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Clear Coat Help


Well-known member
Hey all. I'm not sure this is the right place to post this, But I'm having a problem with my clear coat. I am spraying the Zero-Paints Pre-Thinned Lacquer Clear Coat and I am getting a layer of "dust" for lack of a better description, all over the finished body work. It is most prevalent on the edges and around details on the body.



I have no idea what's causing this or how to stop it. I'm using my Iwata HP-C+ airbrush, an Iwata Compressor with regulator and moisture trap and am spraying at 30 psi.

Any help would be appreciated!
Just a suggestion, When you finish painting, put a clean cover over the model. I live down in Wellsville N.Y. and when I painted my kits, I would put something over the model. As long as there is no dust in the box or the storage box you use, you should be good to go.

Thanks Dave, hope your keeping warm! Pretty cold in that neck of the woods right now!

Unfortunately, the dust is basically coming out of the airbrush while I'm painting. Tried higher pressure and lower pressure, which a friend suggested but I got the same result.
Try backing off on the air pressure and getting a bit closer/more parallel to the surface.

What is happening is when you paint the door or the roof the "overspray" is drying. Also the clear may be drying on it's way to the body so get a bit closer.
