Some on the scene reporting Bruce?
This is the only shot I got and tried to send to
Had a really great trip today.
Started off oh dark 30 from the homestead in Due West when
@iambrb and
@errains showed up to relay into the Tundra for the 2.5+- hour drive over to Marietta GA. Trip into Atlanta Metro wasn't so bad till a bit of road rage took over...ok maybe a couple but it's Atlanta, it's expected.
We got to the site about the time the doors opened, vendors were a setup, had really good turnout this time. Squadron was on site as well as UMM, I blew my budget on some tools and only got one kit. More on that later.
I tried to bait
@Rhino with a photo of something for sail but he wasn't taking the bait.
We made contact with
@Greg Kimsey and his son. Greg looking good post surgery and he looks like he's making a good recovery. Then we found
@Tim A. and his lovely bride Penny. What a sport she is for putting up with so much geekdom at one location. We saw some good models and other friends then grabbed some really good cajun eats for lunch with much lively conversation. We then adjourned to the Kennasaw GA hobbytown to look for things we didn't find at the show, bad news, no Mr Dissolved Putty could be had in the state of GA.
Ride back was great as soon as we got off the interstate, ok it might have taken a bit longer but it was easier on the road raging and sure was pretty ride. Had a really good debate on how to proceed on the MacRobertson racers to the point that the Gee Bee is already stripped of her color. Will be replaced with ColorS!....More on that later.
Once again, sure was nice to meet all y'all Modelers Allianceses....MAers. Let's do it again sometime eh?