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Another modelling aid disappears


Active member
Went looking for a tube of this glue today for gluing Pe and canopies, told it is now discontinued.


Apart from Pva white glue or Ca glue which tends to fog Pe,IP details and canopies unless I have a fan blowing on the parts while drying, what do you guys use or can recommend as a replacement.
I have found it you dip all the clear parts in future or its equivalent for 10 to 15 minutes and let dry for a week it will not fog with CA. I used to just dip it in and use the next day but read somewhere to let it soak a bit. I have seen improved results with this method. I also let it dry longer so I know it is fully cured. For the IP I just use a couple of dots of CA and later go around the edges with it to seal. I put a drop of Future in each instrument and this acts as a glue also.
Alternatives to CA are 5 minute epoxy. It alows you to move things a bit before it sets. Its strong along all shear points. Problem is it is messy and mixing miniscule amounts is difficult. Lots of wasteage.
Would be interested in hearing other methods also.
Elmer's makes a Quick Dry product, I bought some at Walmart to try as a replacement. I have not been able to try it yet, due to my eye issues. :idonno


Here's hoping.
If you can't get it, we'll make a care package and slip it in a bag of grits or something James.

Don't get the tacky stuff...:mpup
:hmmm I'm going to have to see if I can get this stuff up here.

Keep in mind that if it freezes (whether at home storage or during delivery) it is spoiled. Kenny @ Gators Mask does a better job insulating it during delivery.

Micro industries makes Micro Liqui-Tape. works a treat for canopies and large pe parts
Also you can use Future it self to glue down those canopies. :v
That way you can say your model is "futuristic" so the rivet counters are left without a Dzus® fastener to stand on :D .....never mind :silly:
Cheers guys, some options there.

Also you can use Future it self to glue down those canopies.

Discontinued in Australia, :bang head what I have left is solely for canopies and decals
Phil, they have renamed it here in North America. Maybe if you write them you can find the new name for where you are. I believe this is the "new" future here http://www.pledge.com/en-US/Products/Pages/floor-care-multi-surface-finish.aspx
Hope that helps.

And I have some Gator PE stuff comming as we type.
Thanks James, that product not available in Australia

what is


The good wife phoned them numerous times, was told they were waiting on an ingrediant to produce Future (one-go) then after many contact calls, was told this was not going to be made here anymore.

I believe if someone from the US was to send a bottle it would cost heaps, plus would it be allowed through customs,

the bottle that I have left states

Ammonia 0.63% w/w Styrene 0.27% w/w

which would most probably be classed as ''dangerous goods'' for some insane reason

Had I known that they were discontinuing it I would of went to every place that sold it and bought all their stock.

in any case I will contact them here again and ask about the new name product, will most likely be given the run around again like before, great customer service out here !!!
