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Well, after several years of no activity, the kids & I pulled out the SR-71 Blackbird. Figures we've lost 3 pieces, so I contacted Revell 2 have them send us the parts.... What's 8 more weeks.....
I like that hand powered drill press Paul. Looks like a fun project.
Looking good Paul. I like it. It's always great to be able to make things that improve the quality of the workplace and make things easier.
Well, I'm home now and just finished a two-day model building binge at Hobby Day Friday and Saturday. I actually have something to post now for once.
I'll start with a couple things I worked on before leaving on my trip. I did these while recovering from my biopsy. To start out with, I tried to rig my SE-5A. That was an unmitigated disaster. I got 65% of it done and then somehow everything unraveled. It's kind of hard to see but here's the results:
After that fiasco, I decided to do something simple. I put away the biplane and pulled out my Boxer Command vehicle and added the third camouflage color to it:
That one is now ready for clearcoat and decals. Finally....
After my vacation, I went to Hobby Day and these are the things I got done.
First off, I worked a bit more on my Hippy Ed Tribute plane; completing my Vigilante cockpit:
After that, I closed everything up inside the fuselage:
Later on, I cemented together all the parts that had been molded in half: wings, tail surfaces, vertical tail fin, bombs, drop tanks, etc. Once I'd done that I dry-fitted the wings to the fuselage to see how it looks. This is gonna be one big aircraft:
Moving on, I started on my armor again so I could get done with my last ones to make it to 700. I pulled out my Japanese Patriot PAC III system and completed the launch carriage for the launching boxes:
I then assembled all the boxes and got them mounted on the carriage and then added that to the trailer. This little vehicle is starting to look pretty good! It is much closer now to the paint stage, possible this weekend or so:
And, they made it so that the launching boxes raise into firing position:
After this, I pulled out my Pershing II system and tried to work on that. I really didn't get far on that: I just added a few extra parts to the chassis and sanded and fixed up the rocket:
After giving up on that, I moved on and pulled out one of the models I'd been wanting to build. I decided to start the Modelcollect T-14 Armata tank as one of my two CTA campaign models. Threads for them will be started soon.
I started out with the turret; getting it all assembled, but not adding any of the detail pieces yet. This kit does come with an beautifully turned brass barrel:
Next I moved on and added all the roadwheels to the lower hull:
Afterward I assembled all the parts to the upper hull, adding the side skirts and hatches, but none of the photo etch yet:
There were two boxes that went on in the back of the upper hull so I added the upper and lower hulls together to make sure they sat in the proper position:
Since I had these together, why not add the turret to see what this looks like? This is one beefy looking tank! That turret looks too small on top of that monstrosity:
That's all I got done on that so far. Next I pulled out the other model I was going to do for the CTA. This one is the Hasegawa Leopold rail gun. I didn't do much to this one; I only cemented the two halves of the barrel together:
And finally, during all this (as mentioned in the Latest Acquisitions Thread) my friend brought me the Borax wagon train. I pulled that out and got started on it. Here's the first wagon partially assembled:
This is how it looked completed:
I then built the second one. It was a lot like the first so it went together fast:
Finally, I built the water wagon. That was easy, except I'm going to have a time sanding the seam on the sides. In this pic, the tank is just sitting on the chassis so I can get to the sides better:
Here's a final shot of the three of them all together. This is looking pretty good!
Now I'll need a nice long board to build a base on so these will sit well.
Okay, that's all my progress for this past couple days. I hope you enjoyed your trip through the Manufacturing Plant floor again. I don't know when I'll be able to do anything more, but all comments are welcome. Thanks for looking in.