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Aladdin Model a 3D site. Please take a look.

Look at all the "Bread and Butter" model requests! So many of these are already in production.
The XF-103 is provocative.
I wonder where Aladdin is based? How can you tell what scale the model is?
I am obviously not well versed in the 3D printing arena.
Ils opèrent depuis Paris, en France. L'endroit où se trouvent les modélisateurs est une hypothèse.

( They operate out of Paris, France. Where the modelers are is guess.)

What they are preparing and selling are the 1's & 0's files needed to print the model at home or a commercial printer that accepts custom work. When you place your vote you can enter your preferred scale but it doesn't say that you will get your scale should your selection make the cut. By placing your vote you are also saying you will buy the model file if it does. Their figure models are scaleable and some poseable.

Look at all the "Bread and Butter" model requests! So many of these are already in production.
The XF-103 is provocative.
I wonder where Aladdin is based? How can you tell what scale the model is?
I am obviously not well versed in the 3D printing arena.
in the All Models tab they show models already done. Most seem to be 1/24 and 1/16. I voted for a Voodoo as there is only a vac formed one in 1/32. https://www.aladdinmodel.com/shop
If you scroll past the receiving and setting up the printer they show their Lightning being printed.
And yes these are files for one to print at home as Rich pointed out.
Sorry for any miscommunication guys.