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AFV CLUB M5A1 Stuart plus bits


Master at Arms
*** Edit ***
Ive changed to the AFV Club version so some of the photos are redundant more pics to follow

Hi all just about to start my M5 late version lots of work to do and with the help of aftermarket stuff hopefully will turn out ok

AFV club suspension and late type tracks
Accurate armour late updates
ET model photoetchings ( mainly wanted for the hull )
Ammo 30cal 1919
Panzerart gun cover


  • 20240702_000935.jpg
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In a bit of a quandry

looks like theres a lot of work to even get it up to the standard of a AFV club one so my question is will a Tamiya turret fit onto the AFV club body or is there a huge ammount of work to get that to fit ?
or should i just opt for the AFV club and do a early version ?
and were off,....

As you can see I did change models. This is the ROC special edition, well the special bit is the decals, while the rest of the kit is a early M5A1 but I think also includes the late turret but I will have to look into that futher.
as per instructions its the running gear thats first on the agenda


Pups, can you teach me how to do these photos betterer ?

Idler sets done with a bit of addings

main lower portion started but is heap big pain in the harris to keep them level
Looking great so far! As far as photos, make sure your phone camera setting are on highest resolution. Have the phone resting on something solid to eliminate shaking. Maybe set the timer delay for 2 seconds if you have that feature so pushing the button doesn't cause camera shake.