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Adventures from Hooterville

Evacuating the old garage is priority. Once we're closed on that we'll be making the upgrades on the Box at that point.
All the shelving units are built in the Box. Doing some consolidation and unpacking, those packing boxes are handy but they do take up more space than they should. Might have to get another shelving unit before things settle in.
Plumber and Electrician are scheduled for the week of the 20th! I gotta get my AC unit and compressor then it's game on!
OH, the contract on our old house was pending a contract with the buyer's house. Everyone has contracts now! Closing on Oct 13 if all goes well. Man this has been a long road.
Right!! No insulation or sheet rock? Are ya Daaft Maan?! :smack: Remember that most paints and model supplies do not like to be frozen!
It will be insulated. Wish wood paneling was cheaper, but will have some drywall up eventually. Gotta get the electrical done first. BTW, when I say AC unit it will be a combo unit, heat and air. I had one at the old house that worked just fine but i've already used it as a negotiating leverage on the sell of the house. So I can't take it with me.
Since I threw my old upright gas station compressor in on the deal selling the house I'm now in the market for a new compressor. I'm talking a shop compressor. I can rig up a pressure reducing valve like I had to run the airbrush. I'm looking for a shop compressor. What'chall think?
Be nice to have an oil-less compressor. If I had to buy another it would be a vertical mount to take less room. Low noise is also nice.
John the old one I had was an upright that came out of an old Texaco station. It is oiled and there was a can of 30w next to it when I took over the garage. I wasn't sure how to check the oil but I found a fill hole and just kept a check on it. NEVER had problem with it, only when it was cold it would trip the breaker because the belt would loosen up to much and the electric motor would spin with no load. Casual reading about it is we should expect more life out of the oiled ones so i'm leaning that way.
Wish I could find an old school gas station shutting down...:rotf

You're right John, upright one takes up less space, I'm looking for a permanent mount rig.
The little pancake compressors seem a dandy option. Oil less and not too bulky. Easy to drain. Such a thing might not support air tools for making car repairs. It would depend on how long your painting sessions might last, I would think.
Yeah I'm looking for a shop compressor more than a airbrush pusher.

My delima now is my electrician will be here on the 20th but it doesn't look like I can get a split AC unit in here by then! :frantic:
Compressor is on site.

Found a split air system at Costco that's like $800 less than the same model at some other big box and it's a bit more than I was planning on. But it's on sell right?! I can get it to the shop by the end of the week. Who knows, we may be chillin' this time in 2 weeks!