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1/48 Hobby Boss KV-1 1942

This is exactly what I had in mind for this campaign. Well done Mike! What's wrong with the flowers?
Just wanted honest opinions ;) Working on the base now...still more to do-- but here it is...




The base is some styrofoam packing...thinking maybe the top half needs work...this is what I was basing things on:

Might just need to rough things up like I did on the end on the second pic- what you think??
Look out for the gap...

Flowers look the part, some plaster work is needed on the base to get closer to the reference image. The second photo is much better (as you already know).

I like the painting but the stuff looks too much like styrofoam. Saul's right, needs to be plastered over. Really like the concept :popcorn
Sadly, the one side that looks good does so due to a reaction between the primer coat and the foam...sort of turned it to powder...might have to mask the bottom and the tank and respray the primer...
That happened with the blue board I was attempting to use. Need to use something acrylic I guess. Maybe just good ol' plaster?
Sadly, it's not right now. Haven't had the model bug bite much as of late...been busy with summer and now that I am back to work and the weather will soon be turning cold, I might just be able to get back to it...I have a half dozen projects waiting for me to finish...just need to get motivated...
OK...I am calling this done-- way too many other things I want to get started on...feeling the big to build a car and finish my Navy pilot...still have the Churchill and Havoc to get done...the Devastator might get shelved for a bit...not a big fan of the GWH kit right now...

Anyways-- the pics...way too cold in the photo booth-- I took this one of the front side before I decided to change the location of the plaque...

And my final shot with the plaque under the flowers where I wanted it...

Woo Hoo-- finally finished one!!!
Thanks for looking and commenting Bob, James, and Adam!

Bob-- was there a completed build thread somewhere? I didn't see one...