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1/32 Me 163


Started this today and am working on the cockpit right now.




And Fine Molds seat belts.


I have also ordered Barracudacals Bf 109 K wheels as they look better than the rubber ones. I will also use the Master Details Pitot tube I got for the Hasegawa kit. Finally I have added a wire bundle to the right console and tape belts on the pedals.
Cool, like the looks of those seatbelts. How do the conform in the seat? Are they pliable at all?
Thanks guys. Second time I've used the belts. I really like the easy of painting and the exceptional detail They are a thin flexible (to a point) plastic and conform okay. I dont like the price, but I would pay more for the same number of RB belts. I love RB belts, but the threading is getting harder and these thankfully do not need that. Overall the belts are a great buy.
James, Knaus, modeling pioneer! Great to see this one getting right out the door to a great start- cheers! :drinks
Pioneer :hmmm :rotf
So far this isnt bad. Bit more done.




Wires painted with German Yellow from AK's modulation set.
Make sure you wash the plastic. I'm finding some parts a bit oily and not holding the paint well. It flows away.
Some flash present on tiny parts which makes for an interesting clean up.
Decals look good, but tricky knowing where to place. If you put the PE down the decals will fit the rims of the instrument. I am using it as a guide. Used Future as glass and it is also the glue. Hope to get the IP done today so I can start weathering and adding any details that might be missing. Using the Aerographix book and the Mushroom Publications Yellow book for this.

Great start James! Those belts turned out swell, nice drape and hang to them, very natural looking. (y)
Nice work James! That pit is looking great so far!

Can you loan me some of your spare time so I can get some of my projects done?

Is this going to be another replay of the corsair and be done in a week or so?? haha just kidding! Keep it up!

I think this will be done pretty quick. Dependent on some stuff I have ordered. Now if I was smarter I would have taken pics before buttoning this up. But dry brushed with a liter shade of RLM 66 , rubber hose, wood trim wheel etc etc. Also a was with burnt Sienna .






So small in there and hard to see now.