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1/32 Hasegawa P-47D (late) "Slick Chick"


Well-known member
The P-47 I bought just last week is now getting some much needed attention. As always I started with the office. laid out some color and I experimented again with the oil wash. If I can get this down I will be using it more in the future. Dry brushing the IP made it look sort of snowy to me. When I research the ip I found that the instruments all were recessed and the bezels couldn't be seen. I figure it must be post war stuff. I am sure some one will enlighten me.

Can't see any issues with the IP, Paul. I think what you've 'highlighted' (pun intended) about the raised bezels could only be overcome by using and Eduard (or similar) brass/acetate sandwich.

I take it this is just dry-fitted at the moment ??

Looking good Paul. You guys with your Jugs are a bad influence. Been looking at them on ebay again :blush: :D

I took some time to work on a couple of other kits today as well as this one. but I only gt as far as a couple of sub assemblies and added some weathering to the wheel wells to boot.

Some one offered me the zots decal set for Slick Chick after I bought one off of ebay. Timing is everything. :pinch:
OK the wings and all the tail feathers are on and all the filling and sanding in the root areas is done. The canopy is masked and the engine on so now for a rest for a bit and I can get to the Vigilante.

I am kind of running into some probs with my paint. 1. I don't know how good this looks to your eye but to me it looks kind of fake. 2. I cant seem to get a very smooth surface to shoot.

I laid down some primer then a gloss coat of Humbrol gloss black but it still comes up pebbly in texture.
If I shoot a gloss now it will look like gloss coated cheap paint. Any solutions?

I am using MM silver and I am wondering if I should thin it more and boost the pressure some.
I can't see nothing yet Paul, at work. But if you say it's pebbly/orange peel like, I think that comes from too thick a coat? Need to see it and get input from others cause I don't know what I"m talking about.
Although I have never used MM silver, I know a lot of you folks over in the USA do. But having said that, I'd agree with Pup, orange-peel is usually a sign of too thick paint or some problem with the paint/thinner mix.

My two-pennies.... very fine grade wet'n dry, lots of water and gently rub it back. Be interested to see what the rest of the guys think, too.

How much do you thin your Humbrol? I thin it approximately 3/4 reducer to 1/4 paint. Then hit the model with light coats when doing over all base type painting. I keep coating until I get a "wet" look, starting on one side and work my way around. I use the highest I can get the pressure while doing so. I don't have a gauge on the air line, so I really don't know what the true pressure is.

What was the temp in the room where you were painting? This could have an effect too.

:zen :zen :zen :zen
I wet sanded it and thinned down some Vallejo chrome and shot it over that then left it alone for a couple of hours. I am more pleased with these results. I am going to thin down the MM a little more and do some 'sperimentin.

so here is what I have now. The orange peel is gone and the only thing thats not where is supposed to be is dust from my sanding.

The dark streaks on the wings are from too thin a coat there so another shoot and it will be ace.
I have used MM paints for years and years and the secret to spraying the metal colored paints is to thin them a bit more than the regular colors. Also when spraying the model do the wing roots first and then do the wings and fuselage, spray the paint on in steady strokes from front back and try to avoid starting or stopping the paint flow over the models surface.

After looking at your pictures (the first set) the paint looks like it was too thick, even boosting the PSI would not have been that much help here.
