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1/700 USS Entemedor, SS-340 Balao class GUPPY 1b 3D printed Model Kit.

The difference between Gato & Balao class sub's was how thick the steel in the pressure hull was. Gato max. depth was 300 feet. Balao's went to 400 feet of depth with ease. USS Torsk, being a Tench had mechanical differences, but appeared similar externally. The 1943 Gato would stand in for a 1945 USS Torsk without much fuss.

The GUPPY 1B is kinda similar to a Fleet Schnorkel boat. Since people can easily refer to the actual USS Torsk for comparisons, slapping a sharkmouth on the GUPPY 1b might not fly. Notice the GUPPY 1b rounded bow and the old-school bow bullnose on USS Torsk.
My 2-bits
The bottom of the 2-part 1/700 Strike From The Sea Kit aircraft mold has been poured. Along about 0200 tomorrow, we will know if I applied enough mold release and if I let it cure long enough.
Option A. Big pink block of RTV with a tiny SeaMaster and Seadart trapped inside it.
Option B. The RTV reacts with the mold release and goes all "muffin top" again.
Option C: Casting of 1/700 SeaMasters and Seadarts begin, 1400 tomorrow!

You can't rush the chemicals! :battomato:
The overflow dam on the 2-part Strike From The Sea" mold cured up just dandy! This is the smartest mold I have made so far! It opens like a book, propbaly beacuse my mold release is stale.
Here goes nothing!
It is common for the first casting of anew mold to reveal where attention is needed. Recessing the mold to allow bubbles to escape is required here! The 1/700 Seadart and SeaMaster have no noses. (How do they smell? Terrible!) On the plus side, the jet intakes and exhausts on the Seadart are picked out nicely. Casting the Semi, Tanker and box truck in this style of mold was sheer folly!
In an effort to polish my newest resin casting Turds, I saved the SeaMaster wings and tail .A one-piece mold will be produced by using a snapped SeaMaster 3D printed fuselage and salvaging the Turd wings. The P6M Tail? Oh, yeah.
Imagine this sticking out of the water. Was there an enemy missile attack on the submarine refueling site? Where was the Combat Air Patrol? Is it like the Doolittle Raid after that, when the other undamaged P6M bombers scramble, short on fuel and continue on to their targets?

I relieved the mold a little, and second casting is underway this minute.
I am unconcerned about the trucks. That was dumb thing to do.

"Fill the mold, they said. It'll be cool to have as many 1/700 scale semi's as you want, they said. I should work great, they said."
Thanks for looking in again!
The amount of clean-up required of the 2-part mold SeaMaster vexes me. If I bought my kit I would not be pleased with all the sanding to get a passable 1/700 P6M for my kit.

Observe. Option B. Not so unlike the 1/700 P5M-1 Marlin kit that also comes in "Strike From The Sea"
The T-tail is in a mold of its own. I expect to make replacement horizontal stab./ elevator parts for every 1/700 SeaMaster nuclear bomber/recon flying boat model. There. Now I'm happy!
The 2-piece mold has yielded 3 decent 1/700 SeaMasters. Cleaning up the mold lines on a object this scale is a challenge.
Assembling of the parts from the new mold should be simpler and easier that all this sanding and shaping.