This is an addendum to my TLAR Mast and Sail tutorial.

After you cut out the size sail you wish for, hold the rod you want in a pair of self-closing tweezers. Slip the sail into the tweezers so it just touches the boom (in this case) and using a needle or a broken #78 drill bit, like mine, but a bit of c/a glue on to the boom and touch the sail to it.

Continue applying tiny droplets of c/a glue until it spans the length of the boom, taking care not to glue your tweezers to the copper rod.
TIP: Don't worry about getting glue on the sail and making it shiny. There is an old model ship trick to fix that!
Reverse your sail and put the sail on the gaff yardarm on the top using the same technique.

Trim your gaff and boom to fit the sail, being extra careful to make these flat where they will meet the mast. This is where I attach the diagonal line from the gaff to to the long end of the boom. A tiny dab of c/a on the boom and lay the INFINI lyrca line on it. Pull it straight, add another tiny drop of c/a on the mast end of the gaff boom and slide the INFINI into the c/a.
Once you tack the line in place, you can add more c/a to secure it and trim the tails of the left-over line.
Take care not to pull the lycra line too tight. It has enough strength to curl the sail and make your assembly difficult to install on the mast.
Voila'! You have made a sail to be proud of!! It isn't necromancy. No need to sell your soul to accomplish this! You will need thin c/a glue, a broken micro-drill bit or needle stuck in a pencil eraser to apply glue, a bottle cap, and I recommend Cap Holder-O-Matic.
An Opti visor or a set of 150 readers, good lighting and music are essential to be able to do this small scale work.
No other special magical skills are needed. If I can do it, anybody can. I DO get a lot more practice than most ship modelers do.
Use this same tweezer technique to put the topsails on the top and gallant yardarms.
What is the old model ship trick? Oh Hell, I almost forgot!
Using a small paint brush GENTLY paint/dab all the shiny C/A glue spots with clear flat. I use Testors Dullcote, that you can still buy at Hobby Lobby here in Iowa. Robert's your Uncle, Fanny's your Aunt, You're a sailing ship modeler!

A rare photo of a nekkid CSS Florida shows off the angle of her gaff booms. My first set of mainsails were inaccurate. These are much better!

This is where I am going with my 1/700 CSS Florida model. She'll be beautiful! Deadly and swift. Yankee sailors, beware!
Lessons learned from CSS Alabama:
Install the upper ratlines on the upper foremast platform before attaching any foretopsails.
It would be handy to leave the leeward side ratlines off to aid rigging and sail installation but they are needed for mast rigidity.
Laying sail assemblies on the curve of a big sharpie marker and brushing them with Future and Tamiya thinner makes for sails that better hold their shape. Be careful not to soak the INFINI elastic thread or it stops being stretchy.
That will do for now!
Thanks again for looking in!