Thanks everyone for the feedback. I really appreciate all your comments and I am extra happy that you guys are recognising this as an exstension of my art - which is exactly what it is for me. I really surprised myself with how much I enjoyed this build, especially the paint and weathering from the base cammo on.
Bob, Gary, Mike, Paul, Duke, Eric, Terry, Razordws and Barney - much appreciated!

So this also means I earn another ribbon! I don't have many.

So here are a few final shots of the figures with the tank plus some close-ups for those who would like to see the effects a bit closer. I am reasonably happy with them though I always get better with more practice and my figure painting has been very sparce and random over the last few years so I am in need of more consistent practice.
I also wanted to add that I agree with what John Steinman said in his beautiful Hunting Tiger build, about having a nicely crafted base. This one has the most basic and light base that I could make as this is a model made to fit in a cabinet with thin glass shelves. It was kept very simple and plain only because I had to.
The figures..... finished with a couple of small touches added around the model as well as all the stuff used to finish this little scene.

Thanks for looking, another one down.