Master at Arms
Something I have had on the 'Real Bench' for some time and decided I should finish it and putting it up here should help that to come about.
I have found a number of pictures online to a specific tank that has some really nice textures in the scene. I know this one has been done by others already but I have wanted to do this for about 10 years or so........
Reference pics.......
I will use the basics of this scene to do a close copy but some street details and people will be changed.
I am using the cheapest Panther kit possible as it will be basically a shell buried in the ground. The Italeri kit was the best candidate.
I also added the VP Panther Engine bay kit in resin for detailing the empty engine bay.

I have dug a hole in the base and added a cobblestone card surface as well as completing most of the tanks , cutting out what was neccessary.
I am in the process of cutting-off uneccessary detail and adding/ modifying the engine bay resin to fit and look the part. Battle damage and zimmerit paste will also need to be added.
I have found a number of pictures online to a specific tank that has some really nice textures in the scene. I know this one has been done by others already but I have wanted to do this for about 10 years or so........
Reference pics.......
I will use the basics of this scene to do a close copy but some street details and people will be changed.
I am using the cheapest Panther kit possible as it will be basically a shell buried in the ground. The Italeri kit was the best candidate.
I also added the VP Panther Engine bay kit in resin for detailing the empty engine bay.

I have dug a hole in the base and added a cobblestone card surface as well as completing most of the tanks , cutting out what was neccessary.
I am in the process of cutting-off uneccessary detail and adding/ modifying the engine bay resin to fit and look the part. Battle damage and zimmerit paste will also need to be added.