It’s been mix feelings with this Heller kit. But seeing that it was a very old kit and compromises were taken into account, I now learn my way around such discrepancies in this kit. All-in-all, it was an ‘OK’ build, despite my frustrations. Barlas Pehlivan, was also kind to help answer some of my annoying questions, concerning this kit. So kudos to him.
My apologies for the pics. I will take better ones later. It was very windy outside today and I could not get the right photos I wanted. Oh well, you can’t win every time.
Hope you enjoy the photos regardless.
I also added some wip photos o the interior, as it was difficult to get good shots of the interior after the roof and doors were install.

My apologies for the pics. I will take better ones later. It was very windy outside today and I could not get the right photos I wanted. Oh well, you can’t win every time.
Hope you enjoy the photos regardless.
I also added some wip photos o the interior, as it was difficult to get good shots of the interior after the roof and doors were install.