Actually, over the past four or five months I have been busy building another Beech 18 on floats, hence the title of the thread. Since I had already done a build log on a Beech and I didn't want to bore everyone to tears with a second example, I didn't bother to record the construction. Well, she is now complete so here are a few pics. This one went together with no great loss of sweat. I did one thing different, I dropped the flaps to the takeoff position, since what I think is an outstanding shot of the real thing shows it coming up on the step on takeoff. It's the first pic in the sequence below. Paints are Tamiya acrylics. Flat Aluminum applied with four mist coats and one wet topcoat with rub down using a KimWipe Excel tissue between coats, and Gloss Red with White pin striping as well as Flat Black, applied with a brush. To give the flat black a bit of a sheen I rubbed it with a couple of fingers that I had rubbed over my forehead.
The engines are the Pratt R985's from Engines & Things, the floats are from the Hobbycraft 1:48 Otter, modified to Edo 7850's by adding a plug immediately forward of the step and the decals are by J-Bot.