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Zoukei-Mura P-51D


Well-known member
OK, third times the charm. I have this other Mustang that is one of the best 32 scale kits that there are.
I don't have any clue as to what scheme I am going with but it will be applicable. :pilot
Paul, what about a fresh off the assembly line scheme?

Or...war weary vet like Old Crow


Looking forward to how this goes together.
Yes, I am going with "OLD Crow" and Ill be showing all the assembly steps as I go along, sort of a mini review.
Maybe fresh off the line "OLD CROW". Any how we will see how it goes.

first things first, the time stamp.

Now that that's out of the way I took a good look at the decal sheets and all I can say are they are first rate.

The instructions look as if it were a magazine. It has all kinds of fun details and even color call outs that look to me to be about right. I am no expert so I'll leave the judgement to you guys.

I'll be going with scheme B, Old Crow.

The surface detail is very nice and all I can say is ITS NOT A DML KIT.

and the engine detail is off the chart, it even has pistons and cylinder walls. What good that does I have no idea but there are always pictures to show.

Well Ill start on this soon as I have to digest all of this and see how I will tackle it. I hope that I haven't bitten off more than I can chew here.
Fascinating! Vallejo color call-outs, nice. I love all that crazy inner detail- it's simply fun, and if you're not careful, you just might learn something. ;)

The first thing that they have you do is really read through the instructions which was hard for me because I only read at the -8th grade level. Assemble the block and the oil pan so that there is a base to go with the heads.

The heads are two pieces, one with the pistons and the other with blanking plated to ensure that they are the correct ones. The con rods are set to where they interconnect with each other inside the block. This would be a very nice detail if you could see inside the blockor the heads for that matter.

I didn't have the patience to go with the flow there so I amputated the con rods on one set and attached them to the block,the intake manifold and the rocker covers were next.

then the upper ignition wires and the oil line to the rocker covers, followed by the coolant header tank.

I will be on this again tomorrow to get the rest of the plumbing attached. This after I locat the forward oil supply hose that the carpet got.

The fit so far is OK but that's just the engine and I have no idea how the rest of this this is going to go together. :good:
Wow, seems a little overkill to have pistons and all, guess if you want to model it in a high state of maintenance it would be cool. At least they do supply ignition wires unlike Tamiya :good:

Done with the engine so far as I want to be. I broke the exhaust shrouds for the-covers so those wont be used. Bare pipes.
I used MM silver for the base and topped it off with the Tamiya weathering set and added some metallic blue from the "A" set to make some discoloration. You can see it better from my end.
I really tried to justify the Eduard pe interior set for this kit but I wanted to get back into this asap.
I found the pe fret for the Dragon kit that was such a disappointment and applied it to the ZM kit, I ripped the other seat out and used the one with out the molded in belts for this operation. then I found a clear ip and decided to use the Dragon instrument decals for it instead of the molded one. The dials were too thick and looked really gaudy so the decal job will be tomorrow.

Ill be back into it tomorrow. Just because I really want to. :idonno
Not a crit on Paul, but did anybody else notice that according to the instructions, 'Old Crow' was assigned to Urban Drew.... Not even close, 'Old Crow' was Bud Andersons' aircraft, Urban (Ben) Drew flew E2*D 'Detroit Miss' with the 361st FG.

Regardless of that, this project looks fantastic. Must rival Tamiya's for depth of detail :pilot
