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Wright Museum of WWII

On a recent visit to New Hampshire I had a spare day on Sunday and found the museum from a quick google search, only a 45 minute drive from where I was so I figure go take a look. I wasn't sure what to expect, wasn't an airbase or any other military facility that I was aware of in the area but man was I pleasantly surprised.

The Museum was founding by David Wright, from what I read at their website he had a collection of WWII vehicles that needed a home. What I found unique about the museum was it's focus on the home front. They have a Time Tunnel where you walk through each year of the war, what it looked like back home. I found myself reminiscing about things I found in my grandmothers houses and other "old folks" around my life. So many things looked familiar.

I'm attaching the gallery I uploaded, not sure how it displays yet. The hardware there was well taken care of and all of it looked serviceable. There's exhaust stains on the Pershing! The halftrack and jeep have NH licenses plates.

If you're ever up in the Wolfboro area of New Hampshire go take a look. It's worth your time.
Interesting museum Bob! Thanks for the photos and posting. I wonder if that building was an old Corps of Engineers building that has been repurposed.