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Ok let's stay on track!


I want to hear some of the silly comments you have heard. If any?

To people who think what we do is dumb there will be no way to convince them otherwise. And that's that!
"Whoa, you really need to get a life."

"Did you buy it already put together?"

"Does it shoot real bullets?"

"Do you ever stick firecrackers in it and blow it up when you're done?"

"You paid HOW MUCH for that!!??"

"Whoa, you really need to get a life."

"Did you buy it already put together?"

"Does it shoot real bullets?"

"Do you ever stick firecrackers in it and blow it up when you're done?"

"You paid HOW MUCH for that!!??"


Let's see:

I've already got one.

Why yes....yes I did.

Yes be careful and don't get too close without eye protection.

Yes I have!

By the way how much were those football tickets?

I think one problem is that it's such a solitary hobby.

If I do say something about doing the hobby I always get "yeah I did that when I was a kid.". For years I've been trying to think up a snappy comeback but the closest I get is. "Well it's cheaper than drinkin'." and that fell flat when used on some of Cindy's church friends.

I find the Engineers like what I show them, which gives me pause in itself because they cause me so much trouble.. :blink

Hey Tom you could be doing something more productive like watching a game on TV... :woohoo: :tomato

Bob, this is not quite clear to me.

Which are you saying give you problems . The kits or the engineers ? I've always found that engineers always gave me pause when I still worked on airplanes :frantic

Cheers, Christian B)
Luckily my friends and family are all supportive of my many many hobbies.

However I do get a lot of
"Why are you building/painting/adding that, you're never going to see it"
"Why does it take you so long, I used to build a model in a weekend"
"How do you find the time for this?" followed by "it must be nice to not have kids" or "you must have a lot of free time"
My Moms latest is: "why dont you donate them, no one sees them in your house"

:bang head
Just smile and say "And the horse you rode in on" :D If they don't get it, so what? :coolio
OK, at my first AMPS East show, my wife and her friend were almost at tears laughing at "grown men carrying diaper boxes" (because one of the entries was boxed in a Pampers' case). Her friend asked, "Will they ever grow up?"

Catching herself, she turned to me and asked, "Do you have something to enter?"

My wife butted in. "No, we don't have any empty diaper boxes for him to carry his toys in!" Off they went shopping at the Danbury Mall.

My wife puts up with the hobby. I know for a fact she checked out the shipping labels on boxes with review samples to make sure I wasn't busting our budget on kits. How do I know? She had a stern look one day as I pulled out the shipping label (the plastic envelope was torn so I know she looked in) and asked... is that kit worth that much?! I said yes, it is, but here it shows you how much I paid for it and here it states it is a review sample. By the way, this Discover statement is a little on the high side... honey? Honey? Where did you go?

Other stories are just painful. Like the one where my aunt gave my much younger nephews my models to play with when they visited my mother (I was in school). I was livid so my aunt offered me a dollar to replace the cheap toys that didn't last.

Yeap, lot of my old models met the same fate when I went to the USAF, including some (now) rare HO trains. :bang head
The Friday before I graduated from HS, my uncle killed himself (Yes, it completely f'd up my graduation and the planned party afterwards). The next Friday, after the funeral (and after school) (yes, I went to school the day of the funeral) my 2 cousins were discovered in my room throwing my "toys" around the room. :vmad I had just entered 3 P-36's, in 3 different finishes, in a contest as a novice and won novice and best display. My dad told them it was OK, since it was just junk.

That was 42 years ago. I haven't talked to them since. :coolio

Hold a grudge much? :good:
I hate when someone says:..." This is done for children ".... :bang head


I just smile at them, and say, "Gee, you've never been to a model contest or show have you?" If they say, "No, why?" Then I smile even more and tell them to come on out of the seventies because today, the strong majority of model builders averages out to 45 years old.

I also say, "Gee, if they are just toys, then you try and build one!" Most times they say something like "it's not worth my time." or something along those lines so I reply along the lines of, "Yeah, that's what all uninformed or talentless people say..."

Yeah, not many people say these kinds of things around me! :tomato

Only once did I find my two younger brothers playing with my models back in the day. I got angry and told my mother who told them to respect my models. I guess I was fortunate in that my mother built models when she was a kid so she understood what went into them.
My Dad always used to say to me as an older teenager.
" When are you going to grow out of that stuff??' and
'aren't you a bit old for toys?

He never seemed to understand the artistic side to modelling, especially dioramas.

Even my best friend tries to make out that he doesn't see it as weird but lets it slip every now and then when I go to a model show. He usually makes comments such as ' shouldn't you be dressed a little weirder than that?' or hints that we are all borderline pedophiles.

? :idonno
I think it threatens the 'macho male' thing.

We all are a bunch of lunatics playing around with plastic toys in many peoples eyes.
However they don't see the beauty of it all...never mind my co-lunatic friends, because:

