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Weird looking German


Well-known member
Is this the first ever VR-set made by Blaupunkt? :bigrin:

Does any body know what this is ,he's got luftwaffen flying gear .
I think its someting to do with learning blind flying just on instruments
But than again all that stuff on his back and sitting in a aircraft .

Non the less he looks real cool like lufftwaffen 1946
if it is real, then I only can guess but I think this image is fake because of the shoes. I somehow cannot beleive those are real Luftwaffe boots.
First thought was the hood they use for IFR flight qualifications but the view would still be way limited and long, don't think there were that many aircraft back then that could do pure IFR.
Second thought, some sort of directional antenna rig to beam radio signal direct to a target aircraft? Fella couldn't even get in an aircraft with that rig on his back that's for sure.
Third thought, it's completely made up photo. I've seen some AI generated photos that look absolutely ridiculous but others have made me scratch my head.
Definitely odd. There is nothing in this photo that points to Germany. The work overalls just don't fit that bill. Plus, I don't know if anyone noticed the really fuzzy aircraft in the background, but I don't think it is a German aircraft. The landing gear width is too wide for a 109 and too narrow for a 190. It seems more British to me. Also if this is some kind of test rig, it probably isn't being worn by a military guy, thus the shoes are not an issue.
From what I understand it is a Blind Flying Hood. The pilot had to navigate via radio transmission, hence the radio on his back. I'm guessing once they could prove they could navigate blind they would move to the aircraft phase.
Found this explanation although across the net there are still questions.
"Radio navigation trainer. A radio compass indicator is mounted in "Helm". Torn E radio receiver visible on the back. b (Berta) to peel signals from the so-called radio lighthouse."
That is the Luftwaffe version of the radio controlled Pantomime Badger. Just the front half. Handy for finding the odd air-dropped mine as well.
Geheimnesnachriechtdienst Scientists were controlling these human badger robots on busy autobahn stretches. The prize was a bottle of Courvoisier cognac.
This cruel research project was halted, as the Red Cross discovered French POW's were being utilized.
Isn't the belt buckle german? Also thinking that's a BF108 back there Paul.
Not a 108. The front is too tall and fat, plus it has a 3 bladed prop and 108's had 2 bladed props. As to the belt buckle, the photo is too blurry to really tell unless you have really good belt buckle info or experience.
I did do a web search on WWII belt buckles and it does look like the buckle is German. Other than that nothing really stands out. The aircraft in the background "might" be a 109, but the prop hub is too high to the aircraft nose and the nose is rather fat where 109's were fairly thin and tapered up to the prop hub where aircraft like Spitfires and Hurricanes had a bit of a "chin" to them.
Wish I knew what this was as it is really odd and doesn't make a lot of sense.
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The first aircraft I thought of was a Fokker DXXI. I cant really see if it has spats on its landing gear though. Here is the aircraft.
He's wearing Blue Fleece lined Electric Heated Flight Uniform:
(Note the flap on the right sleeve end)

Variant without Luftwaffe eagle:



The belt and therefore the buckle, are part of the backpack harness and not the flight uniform.

No clue, yet, what is on his head nor on the backpack...
if it is real, then I only can guess but I think this image is fake because of the shoes. I somehow cannot beleive those are real Luftwaffe boots.

The flat rubber soles had me thinking they were civilian dress shows then I saw these, heated as the trousers and jacket are:

Unheated variety with soft leather uppers and rubber sole. Looks like something heavy fell on his left foot:
Radio navigation trainer. A radio compass indicator is mounted in "Helm". Torn E radio receiver visible on the back. b (Berta) to peel signals from the so-called radio lighthouse.
That seems to be a pretty rough translation!

It is indeed a Tornister-Empfänger b "Berta" (Torn.E.b) Radio Receiver and Battery in the backpack with a weight of about 25 Kg (click to see more photographs):

A video... click on image: