I'm not surprised you're having a tough time finding them in the US. I have a bunch of old stock, but no RSO.
Years back, I had a great relationship with them and moved a lot of their product. The beauty of them is they are fast. I'd place an order on Monday night and have a solid box of brass in my hands by Thursday, Shanghai to NY in 2 days, even before I'd get to wire payment. Because of that, I could get an order every two weeks, not only keeping in stock, but getting their new releases out right away. Everyone was happy.
Then they let some guys talk them into setting up a US distributor. Now they wouldn't sell direct to me, I couldn't get new releases until the pallet came over on a ship and passed customs, and the real kicker was, the new 'wholesale' price was higher than what I was selling them for retail.
So now the small niche armor PE company that was beating Aber on speed, quality and price was now just another option, instead of the 'go to'.
I stopped selling them, I believe the distributor folded since a while back Voyager has been contacting me for direct sales again.
Don't get me wrong, distribution could be good for them and the customers, they just didn't go with an established system like MMD or Stevens, they went with a couple of guys who contacted them. I'm willing to pay higher wholesale for convenience, but when I order from a distributor, I order kits, paints, PE, books, etc. not just one product line. So to see wholesale go from $1.25 for German clamps to $4 and still have to pay shipping and wait 2 months for new releases as opposed to 2 days, I can see why many vendors walked.
Sorry for the rant. :evil: