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Vallejo Paints


Active member
What do you use to thin these paints guys?

not used them before - I use Humbrol - Gunze - Mr Hobby - Model Master - Aeromaster''warbird'' - all thin
without probs with Tamiya thinners,, no idea for Vallejo though.

Vallejo homepage,

Their text:

" we recommend the use of Model Air Thinner since this product conserves the properties of the colours."

my online shop -

of course - sold out!!!
I get my Vallejo from these guys...not sure where you're located...but it's in stock here:

Like I said before Phil, I thin Vallejo with water or windex. I don't have ready access to Tamiya thinner so I can't say for sure.
Tamiya thinner would more than likely cause huge problems, the white cap having alcohol and the yellow cap having lacquer, both of which aren't very compatible with Vallejo to my knowledge.
Tamiya thinner would more than likely cause huge problems, the white cap having alcohol and the yellow cap having lacquer, both of which aren't very compatible with Vallejo to my knowledge.

Yeah I agree...the strange thing with Tamiya Acrylic paints is that they are not conventional Acrylics,they work SUPERB thinned with their lacquer thinners.
Some might say that Tamiya Acrylics aren't acrylics at all,but lacquer paints.

I use distilled and relaxed water. This water you can buy here at drug stores and its called water for ironing. It's about the same price as distilled water but it also has taken out the tension. I thin Vallejo Model Color about 1:1 with this ironing water and I add an acrylic medium to give this mixture a better bite or glue. As acrylic medium I use one made by Liquitex. So the end mixture is about 10 drops Vallejo Model color : 10 drops ironing water and 3 drops medium sprayed with a 0.25 nozzle at about 11PSI or 0.7 Bar.

This "medium" is nothing but the acrylic "resine" which is in the paint too. There are several branches and most will do I think.

In your shop I've seen "Andrea New Acrylic Colours - Airbrush Medium" and "LifeColour Acrylic Thinner" both most probably will work with Vallejo too but I haven't tried.
Thankyou all for the replies, I'm a bit hesitant about using water, my thoughts are , possible increased chances of runny paint - slow dry time - I'm prob wrong but again never used water for a thinner.

Ok, emailed my online shop and quizzed them about the life colour thinners, will see what they say.


Other than that I'm thinking of just waiting until they have Vallejo's own thinner back in stock to take the safest way to thin their paints.
Phil, the water can make it too runny, just as too much of any thinner will make paint runny. The water will not slow down dry time, from my personal experience it's about the same without thinner.

BTW, when I talk about using water I use bottled water, not tap.
Received an email from bnamodelworld today and they have Vallejo's thinner in stock so that prob seems solved now!.

I will prime all parts to be painted with the vallejo with Tamiya Fine white primer - my std primer of choice for any acrylics I usually use.

The Vallejo is to be used for parts called to be painted chromate green on a P61 - the only reason I bought the Vallejo is no other GC paint was available for some reason that I could find in Australia.

I did the B25J Gun nose interior with a bottle of Testors GC but that was turning lumpy and I think I was lucky to get it to spray half decent - wasn't game to use that bottle again.

Again, many thanks for the replies and help here at MA (y)
I use either X-20A with no ill affects or their own thinner # 71.161 which actually has the same odor as thew Tamiya stuff you can also use Life color acrylic thinner. I have used all of the above and had no problems. the stuff in the other bottle isnt really a thinner but a medium that you may add to get better flow but it does not mix as well in my experience.
Phil, can I ask if you intend to handbrush or airbrush these paints and are you using them on small (figures or detail work ) versus large ( tank or plane painting etc etc )

Hand paints as previously mentioned is simple as adding distilled water and they have a fast dry time but you can add a retarder to make the paint dry slower to enhance blending etc etc

You can also use a flow enhancer like "Golden" here in the states which comes in a liquid state rather than the gel type, presumably an arts store in Aus will have a similar product

Hi Andy thanks!,
the Vallejo is for parts in this bird called for painting with green zinc chromate, they are to be airbrushed


