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Valentine FINISHED


Well-known member
OK so this is Tamiya's 1/35 Valentine, a British Infantry support light tank from about 1941, i will be doing a North Africa version here with a 2Ib gun.
I dont really know much about tanks, My brother spent 25 years in Centurion and Chieftains in the British army but thats not a lot of help to me :)
first impressions is building is straight forward, i cant see a lot of opportunity to scratch and i dont think anyone does PE for this. That said i need to keep it simple while i work out what i am doing and more importantly, while i work out the art of painting these things.
My mind works in strange ways and first thought was gloss red with alloy wheels and chrome springs etc :) however i promise i will behave.


I must admit i bought this as a practice build having already bought an M10 Achilles. I thought this was one of those 1970s, quite nice but basic Tamiya models but i now see it is actually a newer tooling and every bit as detailed as the M10 i put to one side.
i have always been a Tamiya paint fan but recently i have really found their limitations as i have tried to do more intricate work, in particular its tendency to dry on the brush before you can apply it when doing very fine detail. Consequently i am starting to move over to the AMMO mig range which is a complete system of paints , washes, pigments and clear coats so that also adds another layer of possible jeopardy to this build :)


Valentines were well known for reliability unlike its predecessor, the Matilda , this one is being used as a bus.
Wiki report that some Valentines went from El Alamein to Tunisia in pursuit of the Afrika corps , a distance of 3000 miles with little or no problems.
Anyone with an engineering background like me will know that anything metal that moves, be it a hinge or and engine, hates sand. sand and oil mix creates an abrasive past, sand is used on sand paper and sand blasting because it will remove metal with ease when in a grinding situation. Guns Turrets tracks and wheels hate sand !!

Anyway this is where i am at with this build so far , My area is now in Lockdown again and has the fastest rising infection rate in the UK with a new strain of Covid that is 70% more infectious than last weeks version. This all means that i can see me at the modelling bench rather a lot over the next 2 weeks as we are not allowed out..


Off we go again, now where is my gloss Red :)
Its a relatively painless build. I have one in the mill and managed to scrounge up the Miniart NA Tank Riders that are based on the photo you posted. I had to get replacement heads as they looked a bit too Neanderthal, even for The Black Watch.

If you are planning to use the kit crew, they are a bit anemic as Tamiya figures often are. I've got an Ultracast crew as replacement.

Most Valentines seemed to be outfitted with a flimsy rack on the lower part of the sloped engine deck, especially when not fitted with the fender mounted fuel tanks. The grab handles were relocated outboard of the rack.

they looked a bit too Neanderthal, even for The Black Watch.
I think if one were in The Black Watch one might be offended....or maybe not after reading a bit about them. :rotf

Have fun with it Paddy, I think that's a fine kit to sink your armor in.

"gloss red?" ? :blink
Thanks rich
The AFV version seems to have fuel tanks on the slopes and a bren gun on the turret so i guess it was a variation. I am not really interested in the people at this stage, i will be happy just to get it looking respectable paint wise. I think figures work well in a vignette but not so well in a plain model but i will use them to practice anyway..
all the online tutorials on painting show for example the black and white process, on my kit this would have to be done with the tracks on i think as they are not removable, Often the you tube video's then jump to the finished thing however the wheels are suddenly painted with tyres etc and the tracks are painted. Is it a case of balancing the whole lot together, apply black/white/sand then disassemble and painting the details like tyres and tracks behind skirts etc ?

Confused of England ...
Also and an FYI I trust very few YouTube modelers, unless it is Adam Wilder or Martin Kovec (Uncle Nightshift). I really am not interested.
I think i will go my own way, it will probably come under criticism but i think by doing that i will develop a method that works for me. I dont expect it to be instant but it will be fun, expect a few scrap kits :)
I build airplanes and learned a long time ago that criticism is NEVER appreciated. I look at tanks and say, Oooo, Pretty! Its a target!

You will do fine.
So here is my dilemma.

the tracks are made up of approx 50 parts and need to be assembled round the wheels in position


I think the answer will be to finish the hull and turret and paint. Paint the wheels off the tank, also paint all the track parts on the spru with a base colour then attach the painted/finished wheels and build the track round them, then finish the track painting in situ


Criticism is fine Barney, as soon as you post your work you set yourself up to get knocked down. This is friendly place, constructive criticism is how we learn :)
As I said, lots of useful information right here on our very own forum.
:drunks: :drink
Thanks mike, thats useful, i see he built the track and left them without the final link joined at this stage. Good idea, we live and learn :)
If it were me I would be approaching it like they did in the factory. All sub assemblies painted up and attached. Then I'd screw up something and forget which green I was using...:rotf

Terry's approach seems the logical way to go. :soldier