Lacquer thinner: Some people thin Tamiya acrylics with Lacquer thinner. "Lacquer thinners" vary quite considerably from brand to brand and may contain varying concentrations of solvents, many of which are unfrinedly to styrene. Many of the "hobby branded" lacquer thinners (reg. Tamiya, Gunze's "Mr Thinner" etc) are said to work with Tamiya paint What's the story there?
Well, I haven't tried either of these so I haven't any personal experience, but I'll make a semi-educated guess. The "hobby brand" lacquer thinners are formulated to work with paints for styrene models, so by necessity, they're less agggressive than "generic" lacquer thinners. It's said that you can leave styrene parts soaking in Tamiya or Gunze lacquer thinners with no ill effects, whereas if you try that with most generic lacquer thinners, you very quickly have a puddle of goo.
Now most lacquer thinners are a blend of alcohols and other aggressive solvents. My suspicion is that the "hobby brand" lacquer thinners contain a higher concentration of compatible alcohols and lower concentrations of the other solvents, which may explain why they work with Tamiya paints.