Master at Arms
Hello Maer's,
as listed 'way back when', in my Masters intro, this diorama is my favorite of my collection. The strange thing is that i have never got around to posting it here. So I apologize for those have seen this one too many times, but I thought that it was overdue to get an appearance in my little corner of MA.
Actually I had promised Bob L ages ago that I would post this but just haven't got around to doing it!
Anyway there's stacks of pics so I hope you enjoy looking, but please keep in mind that this is starting to get 'Long in the tooth' as I built this one in 1999-2000.
I/35 Scale
Basically this is a dio of a Dragon Wagon in Nov. - early Dec. 1944, being used to clean up a forward airfield full of 'left behind fighters by JG 300. The USAF want the airfield cleared for their Mustangs to run sorties into western Germany. The figure walking and reaching for his pistol has heard a noise and is making his way back to check, while his partner just wants to go and have lunch. Lurking behind the trailer is a lone German soldier who has been cut -off from his unit, a fanatic.
What will be next????
The paint is base coated acrylic Tamiya with all detailing and color depth work done in atrists oils (including the mud).

The kit is obviously the Tamiya Dragon Wagon and the FW190 is from Hasegawa.
The Dragon Wagon only required a few mods' as it was one of the first AFV multi - media kits from the big players. I added the oil reservoirs for the rear chain drive as well as all the small chains needed for handles, pins etc.
I also detailed the cab with additions to the roof lighting and warning labels, dash wiring and centre cab box handles. I replaced the .50 cal with a resin/PE Verlinden one.
Numerous bags and packs with straps were also added[and the odd crow bar jammed in between stuff too].

My original idea - Sam Dwyer suggested I use a Biber. I changed my mind and went for a plane so he ended up doing a version with the sub instead.
The FW190 received a major overhaul...........
- an inner frame being built for the rear fuselage radio hatch cut out in the right side, bullet holes, pilot flip step on left side, rear of canopy.
-cowling clips, Ariel, rear tail wheel improved
- wings cut off and flaps re-positioned, rear canopy smashed and rebuilt with slide wire, bracing, access hatch and new copper base
-rebuilt rear tail flap as bent and damaged inner frame with torn fabric
-cockpit details enhanced and added
-brass gun barrels
-wiring for broken wings as well as simulated bent and cut aluminum ends
-destroyed right side with damaged paneling.
It was the OLD 1/32 scale kit that is along way behind their new one.
I mix these scales with planes and tanks because their is no alternative, but they fit OK. VP figures are over-sized a lot of the time anyway and people come in all shapes and sizes. Years ago I did a compare with 1/32 to 1/35 in planes and the difference is very minimal, so close its not worth worrying about while 1/35 scale versions are not available.

The groundwork was done in the usual way but with this scene I really wanted to try to capture the pre- winter [getting cold and wet but not snowing] feel, especially as winter that year came later than expected and the first week or so of the Bulge did not have snow only mud and ice. I used Tamiya clear multi-layered for the puddles . The swirling mud was done with OILS in between each clear layer to give a 3D effect in a minimal depth.

as listed 'way back when', in my Masters intro, this diorama is my favorite of my collection. The strange thing is that i have never got around to posting it here. So I apologize for those have seen this one too many times, but I thought that it was overdue to get an appearance in my little corner of MA.
Actually I had promised Bob L ages ago that I would post this but just haven't got around to doing it!
Anyway there's stacks of pics so I hope you enjoy looking, but please keep in mind that this is starting to get 'Long in the tooth' as I built this one in 1999-2000.
I/35 Scale
Basically this is a dio of a Dragon Wagon in Nov. - early Dec. 1944, being used to clean up a forward airfield full of 'left behind fighters by JG 300. The USAF want the airfield cleared for their Mustangs to run sorties into western Germany. The figure walking and reaching for his pistol has heard a noise and is making his way back to check, while his partner just wants to go and have lunch. Lurking behind the trailer is a lone German soldier who has been cut -off from his unit, a fanatic.
What will be next????
The paint is base coated acrylic Tamiya with all detailing and color depth work done in atrists oils (including the mud).

The kit is obviously the Tamiya Dragon Wagon and the FW190 is from Hasegawa.
The Dragon Wagon only required a few mods' as it was one of the first AFV multi - media kits from the big players. I added the oil reservoirs for the rear chain drive as well as all the small chains needed for handles, pins etc.
I also detailed the cab with additions to the roof lighting and warning labels, dash wiring and centre cab box handles. I replaced the .50 cal with a resin/PE Verlinden one.
Numerous bags and packs with straps were also added[and the odd crow bar jammed in between stuff too].

My original idea - Sam Dwyer suggested I use a Biber. I changed my mind and went for a plane so he ended up doing a version with the sub instead.

The FW190 received a major overhaul...........
- an inner frame being built for the rear fuselage radio hatch cut out in the right side, bullet holes, pilot flip step on left side, rear of canopy.
-cowling clips, Ariel, rear tail wheel improved
- wings cut off and flaps re-positioned, rear canopy smashed and rebuilt with slide wire, bracing, access hatch and new copper base
-rebuilt rear tail flap as bent and damaged inner frame with torn fabric
-cockpit details enhanced and added
-brass gun barrels
-wiring for broken wings as well as simulated bent and cut aluminum ends
-destroyed right side with damaged paneling.
It was the OLD 1/32 scale kit that is along way behind their new one.
I mix these scales with planes and tanks because their is no alternative, but they fit OK. VP figures are over-sized a lot of the time anyway and people come in all shapes and sizes. Years ago I did a compare with 1/32 to 1/35 in planes and the difference is very minimal, so close its not worth worrying about while 1/35 scale versions are not available.

The groundwork was done in the usual way but with this scene I really wanted to try to capture the pre- winter [getting cold and wet but not snowing] feel, especially as winter that year came later than expected and the first week or so of the Bulge did not have snow only mud and ice. I used Tamiya clear multi-layered for the puddles . The swirling mud was done with OILS in between each clear layer to give a 3D effect in a minimal depth.