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Tamiya glue question


Okay I use Tenex almost exclusively. I have seen a lot of people talk about the Tamiya liquid glues. What are the benefits of them? While shopping in Edmonton I picked up a bottle of extra thin (green lid). Is it the same as tenex? Or is there a longer glueing period? Any thoughts and comments would be appreciated.

It's been a while ,but I'm back. :yipee

On th Tamiya X-tra thin. It is a little similar to Tenax. IT works best if you can put th parts together & then hit it with th Tamiya thin. It's excellant stuff .I've been using it for a while now & before that I was using th Plastruct glue. IT's not as "Hot" as th Tenax but will still "weld" th parts together. The other Glue that Tamiya makes - The Orange cap is a lil' thicker & can be used as swiping a little on two separate parts & then putting them together - you get a longer working time with th Orange.

But given a choice , I'll take th Tamiya X-tra thin any day. It's very thin & will run into th joints very fast..... make sure you don't over do it as it's easy if it runs out, to get fingerprints on it. But these could be remedied but taking a little glue & going back over th piece to "erase" th fingerprints. Another cool thing that I like is th fact that th brush is in th cap !

Give th Tamiya thin a whirl .... I think You'll dig it. Save th Tenax for those Stubborn joints that refuse to stay glued !!

I'd agree with Erik, excellent stuff the Extra Thin! I have switched to it almost exclusively, still use Pro Weld on the stuff I need a good solid and fast weld. The Tamiya stays soft a little longer, I've even repositioned parts after application. Good to see you back, Erik. (y)

Yeah ... it's been a tough last Quarter of th Year - Health stuff - nothing serious, but sick twice & in between that a trip to th Dentist that left Me 2 teeth short of when I went in. IT's all good now - Feelin great & now it's time to get back in th Panzer Shoppe !! School is over for th semester ( AutoCAD - 3-D Modeling with 3-D Max Design)

O.K ..... enough about that ... back to th Glue !!
Tenex is VERY hot. Too hot for DML plastic IMHO. The Tamiya green is best for DML and softer plastics, for Tamiya and hard types both work well. When I am scratchbuilding complex shapes the Tenex is great for "melding" laminates to form shapes!
Tenex is VERY hot. Too hot for DML plastic IMHO. The Tamiya green is best for DML and softer plastics, for Tamiya and hard types both work well. When I am scratchbuilding complex shapes the Tenex is great for "melding" laminates to form shapes!


Yeah What He said
Hi James
Another nice thing about the Tamiya extra thin is that the excellent aplicator brush is...well...exclellent. Best thing I've
ever used. But be careful, the stuff will run all over the place. I keep a small piece of paper near by to blot some of the
glue off the brush before applying.

Tried it and very happy. Just the smell is a bit tough. But wow and yes the applicator brush is neat (y) (y) (y)