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T-34 paint and weather.


Active member
I was asked recently how I did fades on my armor. So here goes a step by step . Hope it is informative.

First I started with a dragon t-34/85 went through all the build process . In addition I added a weld bead to the upper plate of the turret and a sand cast texture to the turret and the bow mg.
The grab handles on the turret were replaced with wire.

The paint process begins with a couple light coats of red brown . I use red brown for this because it is easier to see the final colors in the following steps.

Next I will spray the lower surfaces and any upper areas that would have a shadow with a dark panzer grey or tire black. This aides in deceiving the eye into seeing depth and shadow in a subtle manner when the top color is laid over it.

The engine grilles and air intakes are not completely covered in the grey black but rather the center area is done fading to the edges.

The turret receives the same treatment as well.

Now that the pre shadow is in place . I will start applying light coats of a top color that is darker than what I want the final color to be . Green is a great color to work with it is easily toned down and faded.

The process is fairly simple I use a standard Valejo paint cut aprox 15 % with a universal acrylic thinner. This works with any of the valejo colors lighter colors need less thinner.

To start the fade process I add a little sand color to the original mix aprox 10%. Then starting in the center of each panel work out to the edges lightly applying this mix.

Here it is atarting to get that subtle faded look.

The next step is simple add 10% more of the sand color to the mix again now for a total of 20% and repeat the process.

This subtle color fading now leaves a foundation for the filter effect that will blend and tie it all together . The filter and some pigments will bring a subtle and natural faded look to the vehicle.
Next step is to do the filter. Back to the bench for now
Nice work! I'm a big fan of modulation and post shading- you case a good case for pre-shading, my friend!
Thanks m.p. Chukw . it still looks rough this is the foundation of things to come . Thank you for the kind words. I will have more of this process soon. There is still streaking chipping grime dirt textured rust and oh so much more. It was a tough trip to berlin. :v
To begin the weathering process a overall filter is brushed onto the vehicle . In this case I went old school and used Mig abt070 abteilung oil paint ( dark rust ) thinned to a watery consistency with lighter fluid. The lighter fluid allows only the residue of pigment to be left around raised areas as well as recess areas while subtly changing the top color.

This begins the process of natural wear . Wear is done in layers .
The next step is to do a pin wash to define raised and recessed detail . This essentially creating shadows . This too is done using a thinned lamp black oil paint

At this time I have also added the extra grab handles to the upper hull of the vehicle. These were not on all T-34's When the soviet army transitioned from being defensive to offensive many of the vehicles had these added as a field mod to allow soldiers a place to grab on to.
These were added to the model after the main part of the paint was done so I didn't get build up of layers and throw off the scale look.

once the pin wash is complete the next step of wear and tear is added by applying scratches and wear using valejo steel . The scratches are are hand painted with a fine brush . They will later be toned down to reduce the start contrast and blend them in a natural fashion

stay tuned more to com.............:train
step by step with base T-34 paint and weather.

Well since the work is going in and I talked about being a tough road to berlin. I decided to add the base.
The base begins simply enough with a paver street and a bit of sidewalk.

Next is the building façade . I made the masters a couple of weeks ago and made latex molds. They are generic enough and versatile enough to be used repeatedly . So with that I decided to pour a couple to use with this


To dress them up further instead of using a solid wood door I opted to do the brick work and have a door on that in the arch .


SBS paint weather and building

Well the beast of berlin is compete. The only thing left to do is finish the new home for it.
Thus far we have seen the base work in the raw form. Next is how it comes together to show a war ravaged section of street.

The building pieces are glued together and primed and now have a top coat of armor sand which translates into a nice antique bone white.
The door and wall insert has also been primed and received the same top coat as the building


The base work has also been primed and received a top coat of panzer grey.


Before we look at more pics I will explain what was done............
The brick work was painted with a red oxide followed by a nato white wash to simulate the mortar. The excess was wiped away. Once all of that was dry the brick was further aged with a light dusting of concrete dust pigment powder.
To add a bit of wear and distress to the overall finish of the front of the building I used a oif streaking filter to add some age and wear.
The street was treated with several layers of a ghost grey drybrushing, this was followed with a liberal dusting of concrete dust pigments.







I hope this has been of some help. Modeling is not a trade secret we should all freely share what we know .
Thank you for looking 135engineerco. :train
SBS paint weather and building

Not Me :unsure:

Pup told me to keep my mouth shut when I became a Master.


Uncle Tony :eek:ldguy