It is my opinion, and may or may not reflect those of the rest of the membership of IPMS Plastic Surgeons, that we are less favored by our IPMS Higher-ups, as we don't take ourselves or our hobby too seriously. We enjoy models and modeling, we laugh a LOT! In days gone by, we had super-critical expert (lonely, dour) members who sought perfection in every facet of their builds. (That's why a club-wide joke of "Hey, that's the wrong Green." has lasted so long.)
Good for them! However, it's a HOBBY! Not life & Death! Scorn & excellence make strange bedfellows. Humility and Humor go much better together. Skill levels vary, Kit complexities vary, and we all have different Gifts.
I'm at the tail-end of my second term as President of our group, and I'm pleased with our, perhaps, less than reverent focus. We have several Sierra Hotel Modelers (no, I'm not one of 'em) but their skill and devotion to precision hasn't cost them THEIR humanity.
In the fourth quarter of my diverse and interesting Life, I can't imagine a Hobby that is more fun than ours. I'm proud, and pleased to belong to this Brotherhood as well! :salute
