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Surgicon 22, 30 April 2016

The Text that goes with the Blue F-5E aggressor isn't visible. :smack Heaven alone knows why. Alan Millsap built the Tiger II, from the old Monogram Kit, so Alan was 2016's Chuck Sterns Award winner. I joked there was a Captain America comic book on the "Dash". but it is actually a 1/48 scale sectional map. (y) :pilot

That F-5 dio was in at out show in Bixby, Ok on the 4th of April this year. A remarkable build.
Wow, at least four Xotic kits in that first picture and here's that bearded fella selling his sanding sticks.

What a great product :good: Looks like my kind of place .

cheers, Christian B)
Bravo! Glad all went off without a hitch and the contest was well attended. Good to see a bunch of familiar faces. Rock on! :drinks
We voted on the date for Surgicon 23. It came down to 1 April or 8 April 2017. I had privately hoped for the April Fool's day date, (Imagine the joke-ishness :rotf and prankery :frantic our Merry Band may have pulled on our brethren!! Rubber dog poop "Best Of" awards, red noses, 2 flashlights, and dark ray-ban sunglasses for all the Judges, an Ambulance standing by, Free beer and Out-of-Order signs for the Bathrooms, Grand Poobah hat and squeaky shoes for the Head Judge, and so on!) Alas, 8 April came through. Same location.

Next year I'll orbit the planetary bodies with some kind of Space Ship, just for the fun of it! Hobbies SHOULD be fun, don't you agree?!
It is my opinion, and may or may not reflect those of the rest of the membership of IPMS Plastic Surgeons, that we are less favored by our IPMS Higher-ups, as we don't take ourselves or our hobby too seriously. We enjoy models and modeling, we laugh a LOT! In days gone by, we had super-critical expert (lonely, dour) members who sought perfection in every facet of their builds. (That's why a club-wide joke of "Hey, that's the wrong Green." has lasted so long.)
Good for them! However, it's a HOBBY! Not life & Death! Scorn & excellence make strange bedfellows. Humility and Humor go much better together. Skill levels vary, Kit complexities vary, and we all have different Gifts.

I'm at the tail-end of my second term as President of our group, and I'm pleased with our, perhaps, less than reverent focus. We have several Sierra Hotel Modelers (no, I'm not one of 'em) but their skill and devotion to precision hasn't cost them THEIR humanity.

In the fourth quarter of my diverse and interesting Life, I can't imagine a Hobby that is more fun than ours. I'm proud, and pleased to belong to this Brotherhood as well! :salute :eek:ldguy :pilot
It is my opinion, and may or may not reflect those of the rest of the membership of IPMS Plastic Surgeons, that we are less favored by our IPMS Higher-ups, as we don't take ourselves or our hobby too seriously. We enjoy models and modeling, we laugh a LOT! In days gone by, we had super-critical expert (lonely, dour) members who sought perfection in every facet of their builds. (That's why a club-wide joke of "Hey, that's the wrong Green." has lasted so long.)
Good for them! However, it's a HOBBY! Not life & Death! Scorn & excellence make strange bedfellows. Humility and Humor go much better together. Skill levels vary, Kit complexities vary, and we all have different Gifts.

I'm at the tail-end of my second term as President of our group, and I'm pleased with our, perhaps, less than reverent focus. We have several Sierra Hotel Modelers (no, I'm not one of 'em) but their skill and devotion to precision hasn't cost them THEIR humanity.

In the fourth quarter of my diverse and interesting Life, I can't imagine a Hobby that is more fun than ours. I'm proud, and pleased to belong to this Brotherhood as well! :salute :eek:ldguy :pilot

HERE. HERE :drinks

Cheers, Christian B)
I wholeheartedly agree Rhino! That's why I try to have as much fun as I can when I build. Your IPMS club sounds so much like my St. Crispin's Hobby Day weekends and IPMS Orange County meetings. We are always laughing, joking and playing around during both Hobby Day and the IPMS meeting. Great fun!
Mr. Mike Wheaton, of Cedar Falls, IA has generously provided me with a couple of pict's of his very excellent scratch-built Mayflower, and his Gil Wheeler Memorial Judges Grand Award. I look froward very much to seeing his CSS Alabama, if the plans tacked up behind Mayflower are any clue!! :hmmm
:yipee The final Hiccup from Surgicon 22, is un-hiccuped! :smack :bang head

I neglected to mention, that Mike scratch-built Mayflower from styrene plastic. No wood was involved. REMARKABLE!