Robert Crombeecke
Dear friends,
With only two months to go we would like to update you on SMC 2016.

Clubs en vendor tables are completely full and we invite you to have a look at the lists of both on the SMC website.
We have a record breaking number of traders present, and are happy to welcome our traditional vendors as well as those who will be present at SMC for the first time. In the Expozone you will also find renown manufacturers who have brought numerous guests to perform ongoing demos at their stands.
To celebrate our 10th SMC we have published a book titled “Making the Difference”, with contributions by José Brito, Alan Ball, Marion Ball, Radek Pituch, Maartje Giesbers, Jay Laverty, Michael Volquarts, Chema Cabrero, Jean Bernard André and Roy Schurgers. This publication will be available at the show.
Fer Miniatures will be responsible for a spectacular commemorative figure of which the details will be revealed shortly before the show.
Our workshop program is nearly fully booked. Workshops of Radek Pituch, Bill Horan, Bayin Wu and Lester Plaskitt are already sold out and for Meg Maples’ workshops on Saturday and Sunday are only a few seats left.
We also have a something special for you: Graphic artist Benjamin Koops, , will be exhibiting his work at SMC. This exhibition will be on the stage of the hall in which the SMC restaurant is located. Benjamin is renowned for his large panoramas of historical battles and scenes that he draws on site.
Besides his exposition you can also watch him draw a new 10 meter panorama during both days of the show.
Our contest registration will open around August 15, with our brand new EMPEROR contest-application.
Pre-registration saves you money and time (really, it does) on Saturday.
For a new contest class, we will have a special release out at the show as well. Stay tuned for more info.
We had already announced Bill Horan as our special guest. Bill’s presentation about his work and working methods will be held on Sunday, October 2.
We are also proud to announce a presentation by Mike Blank on October 1.
Diner reservations: Please note that you are required to pre-register for the diners on Saturday and/or Sunday, should you want to attend these.
Hotel reservations: As we have moved to a two-days event, hotel rooms at the NH hotel adjacent to the venue are going fast. Book now to ensure your room.
For all information, reservations and everything else concerning SMC, please visit our website:
With only two months to go we would like to update you on SMC 2016.

Clubs en vendor tables are completely full and we invite you to have a look at the lists of both on the SMC website.
We have a record breaking number of traders present, and are happy to welcome our traditional vendors as well as those who will be present at SMC for the first time. In the Expozone you will also find renown manufacturers who have brought numerous guests to perform ongoing demos at their stands.
To celebrate our 10th SMC we have published a book titled “Making the Difference”, with contributions by José Brito, Alan Ball, Marion Ball, Radek Pituch, Maartje Giesbers, Jay Laverty, Michael Volquarts, Chema Cabrero, Jean Bernard André and Roy Schurgers. This publication will be available at the show.
Fer Miniatures will be responsible for a spectacular commemorative figure of which the details will be revealed shortly before the show.
Our workshop program is nearly fully booked. Workshops of Radek Pituch, Bill Horan, Bayin Wu and Lester Plaskitt are already sold out and for Meg Maples’ workshops on Saturday and Sunday are only a few seats left.
We also have a something special for you: Graphic artist Benjamin Koops, , will be exhibiting his work at SMC. This exhibition will be on the stage of the hall in which the SMC restaurant is located. Benjamin is renowned for his large panoramas of historical battles and scenes that he draws on site.
Besides his exposition you can also watch him draw a new 10 meter panorama during both days of the show.
Our contest registration will open around August 15, with our brand new EMPEROR contest-application.
Pre-registration saves you money and time (really, it does) on Saturday.
For a new contest class, we will have a special release out at the show as well. Stay tuned for more info.
We had already announced Bill Horan as our special guest. Bill’s presentation about his work and working methods will be held on Sunday, October 2.
We are also proud to announce a presentation by Mike Blank on October 1.
Diner reservations: Please note that you are required to pre-register for the diners on Saturday and/or Sunday, should you want to attend these.
Hotel reservations: As we have moved to a two-days event, hotel rooms at the NH hotel adjacent to the venue are going fast. Book now to ensure your room.
For all information, reservations and everything else concerning SMC, please visit our website: