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Revellogram 1/48 A-10


Active member
A buddy I work with is absolutely crazy about the A-10. He's also crazy about my model collection. One day we were talking and since he doesn't model, he ask me about building one for him. Of course I said yes!

I had thought about putting it in the MODERN AIRCRAFT campaign and even took a picture of my cell phone to document the start date but that may be a little sketchy now. So I'll post it here as just a build log.

Anyhoo here we go.






If anyone has a spare sharkmouth decal in 1/48 that I could bum or trade for I'd appreciate it. My friend's got a thing about that too.
BTW are you going to do the Jaws camo for this one The pilots already has a Jaws like camo :D

That was the original plan but the kit decals don't include jaws or sharkmouth. Now if any of you fine people might just have a spare collecting dust, I'd be happy to take it off your hands :)
I will look... last kit I built was the 72nd scale Monogram kit and I used the sharkmouth on that one. I believe I have spares since I also went for the serpent head and warthog.

OK, just checked. I have remnants of the ESCI kit (bought for the ground equipment and plane built for a friend), Tamiya (commission build using the missing scheme from), SuperScale sheet 48-135. I built this aircraft:

The rest of the sheet is complete and yours for the asking [see complete sheet shown here for other markings]:

Actual aircraft represented:

Note that the decals are of a time prior to the fin stripes:


All are in the Charcoal Lizard scheme of FS 36081 Charcoal, FS 34102 Medium Green, and FS 34092 Dark Green.

I got a little bench time, so I put together the engine nacelles. At best you could say the fit is sketchy. Really more like crap! But after fiddling with them some clamping, filling and sanding they are passable. Then came the joining of them to the fuselage, again not so good! :bang head Big gaps front and rear. more filling more sanding!
Thanks Bob. If that looked like fun wait till you see this.

The landing gear sponsons are molded separately. No big deal, So I masked off the gear well area on the wing bottoms, thinking that would make painting the interior easier

As you can see I sprayed as much white as I could, mains and wheels door interiors struts and links....

Maybe the molds are showing their age, or these never fit to begin with I don't know. Much gluing, and cussing ensued. This is a good a fit as I could obtain.

Out comes the filler

And after a sanding session, this is what I have

Waiting for the opposite side to cure up to start it all over again.
If you're not building too fast, I'm working on getting this sheet (from the Hobby Boss 1/48th scale kit):

Not guaranteed yet, but it can happen!

Thanks guys.

Hey Saul keep me in mind! No timetable on this But I swear I think Im Jinxed. Everytime I sit down at the bench or open my browser something or someone drags me away. Not two minutes ago I heard that sound that only a dog can make just before he pukes!!! So being at home alone tonight ..... Just got to figure out where in the living room I'll find that little package. was going to put up some pictures but that will have to wait.
You know me, I love a dog but somethings we just don't need to share Greg. Thanks just the same, I've cleaned up enough myself.
