Old Dog
Well-known member
I have been a modeling slump most of the year so in an effort to get back in the groove back around the time I started Gentile's Spitfire, I looked through the stash for a couple of kits that met several criteria that I felt would allow me to get my Mojo back. The criteria were (1) low parts count, (2) easy paint schemes, (3) kits I felt I would be happy with built OOB with little or no after market and (4) something I was interested in enough to actually finish. The Pacific Coast Models 1/32 Re.2005 was one of two kits selected. Yes it is a limited run kit but most reviews were positive so I went for it. Fit was good overall, better than their Hurricane I built a couple years ago and except for a couple areas it was a relatively low stress build. The most aggravating area was the cockpit, the resin parts didn't really key together well nor did they fit the way I thought they should in the fuselage. I probably spent more time on this than it was worth, ended up modifying or deleting some of the parts. Sad thing for all the trouble and detail you really can't see much once together. The instrument panel sets way up under the cowl. Fitting the resin machine gun troughs into the fuselage was rather tedious and if I had to do it over again would probably just go with the ones molded into the fuselage. They do look better, but not all that noticeable. Lastly the landing gear was a pita to get installed and properly set. The gear is plastic and the gear bays are resin requiring CA which meant wiggle time was at a premium and it took several tries to get them even close to correct. I'm reasonably happy with how it turned out, These were only used in service for about a month before Italy capitulated so I kept things rather clean. I did not do any in progress photos so anyway, here it is...
The other kit is almost done and I'm hoping to beat the ball and finish it yet today as well, we'll see.
Thanks for looking !

The other kit is almost done and I'm hoping to beat the ball and finish it yet today as well, we'll see.
Thanks for looking !