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Petlyakov Pe-2 interior help please...


Well-known member
OK...so I've got the In Action book which gives plenty of exterior shots but not much to go on for the interior...especially for each station in the plane. The only thing I've been able to find for the interior are some pictures of the cockpit as depicted in the Il-2 flight simulator. From what I remember, the developer Oleg only made things flyable in game when he had accurate data. While I don't doubt him, I'd like to be able to use the accurate data he had. I don't see any reference to any walkaround books (although there appear to be places offering illegal downloads of one)...I'm just hoping someone might recommend a book or resource that might have this info...I tried the Modeling the VVS site but nothing there...
How far do you want to go detailing it?


Only 5 books from a glance over my should but I may even have the manual...

It is easy to get TMI when I am around!

Thanks Saúl...

I don't want to go so far that I screw up the fit anymore than it looks like it might be screwed up. HPM seems to be content with not giving any locater pins on the fuselage halves...gonna be a slow process...

I am hoping for interior shots of the few stations there are...I did locate the manual at an online site somewhere...looked through it and perused the drawings...but there wasn't much for color information or specific stations...just mostly for the instrument panel...
I may have something in an old Replic magazine. I'll see if I can dig it out. Being WWII Soviet, you can bet the accommodations were pretty spartan.
Yup...you're probably right Rob...good point. Still...any help would be much appreciated ;)
I would recommend HTmodels Petlyakov Pe-2 Pe-3 booklet. It's got some good interior pics in it. However after an internet search I couldn't locate a copy for sale, but I did find this HTmodels special Pe-2 Pe-3 which may help you locate one(I hope). I have this and the Hpm kit half completed so I have a pretty good idea what you are up agianst.
Most of the pics are of "restored" planes with some "interesting" colours, some can be found on the 'net , such as



If you will notice in the first pic what appears to be a light blue/grey basic interior colour and many of the components in green. If you follow this link Mig 3 VVS colour chart and scroll to near the bottom you will find "Interior colors" and at the top of the list is "A-14/A-14f steel grey" , this would be the grey color, how ever, as dark as it would appear, Model Master neutral grey comes recommended as a reasonable match. Now If you scroll down to the bottom you will find "Primers". At the bottom of that list is "ALG-1 Zinc-chrome yellowish" , This is basically zinc chromate. Bellow that you will find "ALG 5" which is a mix of "ALG 1" and "A-14" , very much along the same lines as US interior green, this would most likey be the green, which is not standardized colour.

Here are some pics of a Tu-2 which clearly show those colours.



and just to show this was most likely not limited to planes, here is a pick of the Transmission compartment of a T-34 pulled out of a bog


In the HT book, there are several interior pictures of what looks to be an unrestored plane with an entirely green interior. The rear section looks to be more of a bronze green while the forward section is more like US interior green and there are bits and pieces of various shades in between. However these are pictures and not the best way to judge what the colour of something was. Going with that and these bits and pieces allegedly belonging to a Pe-2,



I would suggest that the interior of war time produced Pe-2's were most likely left in a primer green similar to US interior green/bronze green, of which some components may or may not have been left unpainted.

Good luck with your build, I look forward to seeing it :drinks

First off...my sincere thanks for posting all these goodies. The book looks great although I imagine it wouldnt get here too far before the month and this build is over. The HPM kit is proving to be quite a challenge...I must've be on something when I thought I'd finish it in a month ;). The instructions mention the interior as being blue-grey so I used White Ensign's VVS line and painted it AMT-11...the flight sim screenshots I had found had the stick painted that green color in your third pic...seems that was the plane they referenced for their model...it almost seems more like an RAF interior gray-green color to me...I'll see if I can mix a close match. Many thanks to you again!
Whenever you finally get back to me on Yahoo Messenger, you'll have a load of references waiting.

Sorry Saúl...I didn't know you had sent me a message? My wife has been on the desktop more of late due to her online class assignments...but next time I am on, I'll come looking for you brother...thanks!