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New 1/32 Bf109F Structure Model coming from Imcth


Well-known member
Read on Large Scale Modeller, Imcth has a Bf109 coming to go with the Zero & P-51D already in their stable.
Kits are made with cast white metal, stainless PE, wood, plastic or resin for the canopy. They are available from HLJ for a mere $300 US. The Zero also has detail kits for a cut away external tank and aluminium skin.

Imcth Homepage


I'm still absorbing this.. it looks amazing. One draw back I see is Stainless Steel would be nearly impossible to solder. Would CA be strong enough for it to hold up?

Thanks for sharing Rich!
Stainless can be soldered. There are a range of tin-silver solder for them but they can get expensive because of the silver content. It requires more surface prep to ensure the oxide layer has been removed and soldered quickly before it reforms.

Watching their demo videos they seem to use CA for the assembly (who knows what hints and tips they are telling us). It would be tough getting into some of those areas, keep everything square as it heats, not burn your fingers and get a nice clean solder joint too.

Tell me about it...

Allow me to rephrase, nearly impossible for ME to solder stainless. Never tried it, not sure i can get it hot enough but you have a point about the tight spots.