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Need an idea

phantom II

Master at Arms
Does anyone have any idea how to replicate the look of this cowl ring without a long process ?


Any thoughts welcomed.

Cheers, Christian B)
I assume you mean the corrugated look. I dont know how well it would work, but maybe wind fine thread around it tightly as if winding an armature. Then when the whole thing is wound apply cyano glue to the outside only. Then when dry trim the thread front and back so only the outer surface has the corrugations. Then add a ring on front from plastic or glue or something then paint. I think that would work.
The foil that pops out of the front of cigarette packs, it has a similar texture. don't have any I could send ya a few. CR
I assume you mean the corrugated look. I dont know how well it would work, but maybe wind fine thread around it tightly as if winding an armature. Then when the whole thing is wound apply cyano glue to the outside only. Then when dry trim the thread front and back so only the outer surface has the corrugations. Then add a ring on front from plastic or glue or something then paint. I think that would work.

Interesting idea James . It's only 1'48 scale though and the ring and cowling are one piece (more or less).
That would take a lot of winding. Surprised no one has come up with a resin replacement :blink I'd buy it.

Thanks, Christian B)
Hmmm...that's a tough one. :hmmm

How about laying a piece of Tamiya tape on a clean glass surface and cutting it into
thin strips. Then peel them off and apply to the cowl. After that I would paint on
some Mr. Surfacer and stipple it a little to get the rough texture.

The front ring will be tough too. Could try some flat lead wire, form around the cowl
and CA in place.

The foil that pops out of the front of cigarette packs, it has a similar texture. don't have any I could send ya a few. CR

I'll have to try and find a smoker and check that out. Haven't looked at a cigarette pack since 1985 myself. Sounds like I'm missing out on something

Thanks, Christian
Hmmm...that's a tough one. :hmmm

How about laying a piece of Tamiya tape on a clean glass surface and cutting it into
thin strips. Then peel them off and apply to the cowl. After that I would paint on
some Mr. Surfacer and stipple it a little to get the rough texture.

The front ring will be tough too. Could try some flat lead wire, form around the cowl
and CA in place.


Thanks Tom . Actually I have thought considered that idea . Mighty fine strips in 1/48 . Not sure I could be that consistent.
I also wonder if the texture was like that back in the days ?

Cheers. Christian B)
There is 1/64" (0.015") wide pin stiping tape out there.
Might still even be too wide, but anything narrower might be
impossible to work with.

I would use a thin layer of epoxy putty indented with a blade, getting a small section exactly how you want it. After it sets, make a silicone texture stamp from that and do the rest.

Micheals sells a kit that is a two part food grade silicone (it's purple, like $15 before the 40% coupon) that sets in a few minutes. I use the stuff all the time for quick replications as opposed to pulling out the scale and vacuum chamber for a proper cast. The stuff is amazing, the two little tubs last for a long time.

You could cast the cowl and make chocolate replicas afterwards. :D
There is 1/64" (0.015") wide pin stiping tape out there.
Might still even be too wide, but anything narrower might be
impossible to work with.


Tom , that's an interesting idea. Half of that is a nice size in 1/72 .

This project will be in 1/48 . I need some time to look at that when I can sit and experiment.

Cheers, Christian B)
Peter, I was rolling that in my mind . I need to find some similar plastic and try it out so I don't mess the real piece . It might be close enough to get by without a lot of labor.

Thanks for the thought, Christian B)
I would use a thin layer of epoxy putty indented with a blade, getting a small section exactly how you want it. After it sets, make a silicone texture stamp from that and do the rest.

Micheals sells a kit that is a two part food grade silicone (it's purple, like $15 before the 40% coupon) that sets in a few minutes. I use the stuff all the time for quick replications as opposed to pulling out the scale and vacuum chamber for a proper cast. The stuff is amazing, the two little tubs last for a long time.

You could cast the cowl and make chocolate replicas afterwards. :D

I have to admit this one is an original ( for my brain ) . I'll keep this one under my hat for now . It might be more practical to cast another ring since adding much to the outer dimensions may cause problems with the other cowls pieces. Hmmmmm :hmmm

Thanks for sharing, Christian B)
I hope you do get it right I myself have no idea how and All I can add is that I am very glad I quit smoking in June :woohoo:
I hope you do get it right I myself have no idea how and All I can add is that I am very glad I quit smoking in June :woohoo:

I agree Dave . I quit back in the summer of 85 . Sort of a traumatic experience :S

but quite frankly I didn't realize how bad I felt till I started feeling better . It takes a long time though.
Don't miss it one bit ! :yipee Well, maybe when I work with stretched sprue :blush:

Cheers, Christian B)