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Moonpup's been after me. Finally S.S. Minnow

How can I possibly refuse, after being encouraged so?
This St., David's Lighthouse was spurious feature made for the movie "The Deep". You can't blow up an actual aid to navigation, even for Robert Shaw and Peter Benchley. 8 sides, 15 meters tall. I added the door and "eyebrows" for the P/E winders.
There are 2 functioning lighthouses in Bermuda. St. David's Island, on Gibb's hill near the airport and St' George's Island. Neither one resembles mine because they aren't supposed to! It's going fairly well for something I swore I would not build! :lol::bang head:yipee:
The Lighthouse came out almost as nicely as I had hoped. I'll post a picture after a bit. Corsair's casting are as nice as any I've made, except all the baseballs scattered about her after deck. I did not clear coat the wood decking because I truly hadn't planned to mold Her that night. I just sorta happened!
The first cast recovered the ladder that was stuck in the mold too! BONUS!!