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Mini rant and a yahoo.

Been preoccupied the last few days so I haven't seen this thread till now. I have always been pretty active and have manged to keep my weight at a decent level. Heaviest I ever got was 245 lbs in my 40s. Then I went from an office job to a construction job and started doing more mountain biking and have stayed pretty constant at 215 lbs the last 10 years or so (I am 6'3"). I am now 60 years old. I still mtn bike, at least once or twice a week in the summer but no longer work in construction.

Downside of that is the occasional injuries. Did I mention that I've been preoccupied? Last Friday I had a fall on my bike and spent 12 hours waiting in the emergency room for an xray and a 5 minute visit from the Doctor. (Let's not get into public health care) Anyway, broken collarbone and will be wearing a sling for the next 6 weeks.

The good news is a week or so off work which was sorely (pun intended) needed. Also got the gift of a new grandson last night so yeah!
ha ha too true bob

I was just put on that weight loss injection thing over here about 6 weeks ago
I was 6ft 4" and 272 Ib
Now i am still 6ft 4" :) and 257Ib and falling.
Trouble is they say it supresses your appetite but in truth it just makes you feel so ill you dont feel like eating anyway....
I figure if nothing else, if i loose another 30Ib my car might go a bit faster :)
It doesnt so much suppress your appetite, but rather slows down your metabolism. So if you eat like normal basically your digestion slows down and you keep shovelling food until your stomach expands and the food starts coming back up. I found eating until you feel full and then walking away from the rest of the food worked the best. After a few months I was able to judge my intake and got smaller and smaller portions. Lost a good amount of weight until I hit a plateau. If I could have exercised as well I could probably have gotten down to where I wanted to be.
Lost a good amount of weight until I hit a plateau. If I could have exercised as well I could probably have gotten down to where I wanted to be.
Input and output it's the key. Trust me, I know all the answers but apply to none of them!
Did I mention the Chick a Fil piminto cheese chicken sandwich is back??? :wow:
I'm on Rybelsus which is a pill similar to the shot and find there are days I rarely have an appetite and others I certainly do. I've lost about 15 but that's my plateau just like James. My wife and I do usually walk 3 to 4 miles a day and we've been using the Bowflex here and there this summer so hopefully I can drop another 17.
I got me a shiny new lung cancer screening Wednesday. All clear! I make a nutty little giggle and tell the MRI operator "Ooh! That tickles a little bit!"