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Maddog Manufacturing 2018 Production

Duke Maddog

Well-known member
Hello everyone. I've been given this opportunity to show my work in one thread so here it is. I'll add the previous works in progress that I posted in the "What's on the Workbench?" thread here first as a primer to let you all know where I left off.

On the EH101 Merlin, I completed the painting of the interior. Now all I have to do is add the interior decals and glass in the windows and I can close this bird up:


Next I worked on my Australian HAP Tigre. I masked the canopies for painting:


That's when I noticed the gap in the top of the nose. So, I decided this was a good time to try that new Squadron putty:


I slathered some on, trying to keep it over the gap as much as possible. I was surprised that it came out looking almost clear:


Later on, when I went back to sand it after it was dry, I saw that it had caused some slight pitting in the top of the nose. I was able to sand it all away, but this was unexpected. After reading the tube, it does contain Toluene which does melt plastic a bit. So, this will take some getting used to for me. It also dries clear so that; even though it appears that I still have a gap, there is none there. I forgot to take a pic of the nose after all this. I did move on and add most of the final detail bits to this so it is almost ready for paint:



Moving on, I spent more time on the A-10, trying to bring this over the finish line. I didn't quite make it but I came close. Here's the progress I made on that so far.

First off, I shot a dullcoat over this model:


After that dried, I removed the masking from the canopy:


There were a few areas I needed to touch up, which I did later on.

After getting the canopy removed, it was time to install the landing gear and gear doors:


There was a lot of touch up needed here too since I forgot to paint the exterior of the doors. Oh well, I got them after I installed them here.

Once they were sufficiently dry, I added all the ordinance that I could fit in place. I still have one pylon I need to figure out what to mount on but otherwise this bird is loaded for bear:


You can see I also added the wheels to this. Now all I have to do is some more touch-ups on the weapons themselves.

This is by no means the final pic, but it gives you an idea of how this bird will look. I still have a lot of touch-ups to do before I can call it finished:


Moving on, I got a lot of small progress on a number of my armor and vehicles, as well as started one new one.

First off, I shot a basecoat of dark green on my Russian Zil 5 truck:



After that dried, I painted the seats inside a leather color:


Meanwhile, since I had the dark green out, I also basecoated the MAN 5-ton truck with this color:


I also dry-fit everything to see how it looks so far, as well as tried to plan how I'll paint the other two camo pattern colors:


Later, I also painted the seats inside a leather color:


I still need to fix that gear shift lever....

And still, since I had that dark green out; I shot the German M-109:



I'm not sure why that second pic turned out so yellow, but the color is the same as the previous two models. I also shot the hubs for the outer wheels:


Now I can mask this one and start the second two colors for the camouflage pattern.

After all that, it was time to change colors. I pulled out an Olive Drab ANA color and shot the Churchill bridgelayer:



I gave up on trying to make that operational again; the engineering is just a bit beyond me, especially in my fatigued state. I'm just gonna finish that as is. Next up, some color modulation, glosscoat and decals...

Finally, I started the little Roden Vauxhall ambulance that had been calling my name. First up was the delicate suspension:


I broke about three of those parts trying to put them in place. That's actually pretty good since on the Vauxhall staff car (which has the same suspension) I broke seven pieces... I'm getting better!

Next was the main body of the car. This was fairly straightforward, but I was a bit put off by the 'blast shield' they had in front of the driver. I guess he's supposed to peer over it as he drives:


Next I built the upper box area where the stretchers are carried:


I want to paint the interior and the stretchers first before I close that up. Come to think of it; I wonder why I want to do that. Nothing will be seen once this is closed up. Hmmm.....

Anyway, here is this tiny model all dry fit together so far:


Later, since I had the Olive Drab ANA out, I shot the lower part of this car with it too:


I should have waited here too until I had the fenders on and such. They need the same color. Doh!

Oh well, there is my latest progress so far, as of a few days ago. Now here's an update showing the most recent work I got done during Hobby Day on Friday and Saturday.

Once again I'll start with some aircraft. I started one aircraft and continued a second one in hopes of getting them to the paint stage so I can paint them along with about seven others on the paint staging area. Since I wanted to build something simple, I pulled out my Italeri F-16 Fighting Falcon which will be made into a single-seat Italian Falcon. Naturally, I started with the (very!) basic cockpit:


Later I added all the parts to the underside; air intake, main gear bay parts etc.:


I had also gone through and cemented all the halves of the ordinance and underwing stores to complete them and have them ready to hang under the wings when the time comes. Later, I added weight in the front of this plane as per the instructions and closed it all up. Adding the tail parts, wings and canopy has brought this to the paint stage as planned:



There is a bit of sanding and filling I do need to do; as well as masking the canopy, but this is already right where I was hoping to get it. I'm going to have a lot of time to spray this and many other models over the next couple weeks as I follow Doc's orders. I'm just hoping I can get them all done.

Moving on, I pulled out the Japanese F-2A fighter that I'd assembled the cockpit for some time back. This time, I cemented the air intake into place, assembled the rear portion of the fuselage and added the vertical tail piece:


Later I added the cockpit and painted it. With some additional weight for this as well, it was ready to close up:


After that was done, I added the canopy to this as well, closing it up for paint. All that is left again is a bit of sanding, filling and masking the canopy:


You may think that is the Italian F-16, but look closer: the main difference is in the canopy for the most part. These are two different aircraft.

I was also hoping to get further along on my EH-101 Merlin but I ran out of time.

Moving on to my armor, I started out by adding the fenders and running boards to the side of my ambulance. Then I closed the rear portion of the ambulance bed and added the driver's seat cushions to the front of the ambulance. Here it is all dry-fit together. I'm gonna paint some more before I glue this all together:


Next up, I decided to take a shot at the Modelcollect BMP-3, particularly the photo-etch bar armor.

This photo-etch is extremely difficult to assemble, especially the turret armor which is what I started with. These three pieces were finally glued together properly after 15 minutes of attempting to cement a fourth P/E piece to it to make a 'box'. I had to give that up since I couldn't get one side piece to glue in place without knocking the other one off:


Yes, that is a set of clamping tweezers holding that three-piece assembly. This is what I got done after a total of 34 minutes working on this bar armor for the turret:


When I start this again, I think I'll invite my friend Jack (Daniels) to 'assist'.

After that, I'd had enough and so I set all that aside to set up fully. That's when I pulled out the rest of this model to add the easier P/E parts to it. I started with the turret, adding all the panels and doors:


Since this turret has an interior, I assembled all that to get it ready for interior paint:


Looks pretty good. Next I dry-fit this to see how it sits and how it will look:


Time to find out how these vehicles look inside.....

Moving on from there, I finished assembling the upper hull, adding the sides and front fenders to this:


Then I dry-fit this to the lower hull to make sure it dries in the proper position so this top glues right. I also added more photo-etch to the upper hull, For fun, I also popped in the turret to see how it looks:



You'll note I'm leaving the hatches open; I plan on posing them open to show off whatever interior can be seen when this is done. Yes, this lower section has a full interior as well. I popped off the top when it had set enough and started building the interior:


It doesn't look like much, but with some additional paint and possibly some decals for the instrument panels (if I can find something small enough and suitable enough) this should start looking better. Still, not much of the interior can be seen when the whole thing is together as you can see here:


Well, that is about all I have for now. This week coming up might allow me to do a lot of spraying so hopefully I can get a lot done by next weekend. Stay tuned for more. Meanwhile, thanks for looking in, comments are always welcome!
Looking good.
I to am trying to complete some off the shelf of doom before I start to many more.
That PE looks like it could take a spot of solder. Don't have to wait for the glue to cure. Lots going on there Mark, :soldier :pilot :captain
Thank you everyone for the fantastic comments!

Frank,I agree. I'm trying to finish a few shelf queens too. I just want to get a lot of models to the paint stage so I can wear out an airbrush or two getting things finished! :woohoo:

nsmekanik, Thanks! I can't wait to actually finish something!

Bob, thanks! I would love to learn how to solder. That would certainly be immensely helpful on this. I might have an issue with making the joints too big; this is some exceptionally small stuff!

Thanks James! This is most appreciated!
You know I have been looking at some of the PE I have and bar armour especially and thinking maybe it would be easier to use the pe as a template. Then cutting out applicable sized plastic sheet to the template and gluing it together as usual. You cant damage it the same was as pe but it might be easier to build in the long run.
Here's what I'm using
IMG_1055 by nsmekanik, on Flickr
I have a cheap plug in but that thing just doesn't get hot enough. Add some flux and fine solder and play around a bit, I am no expert but for the most part it's not so hard...1/48 Gazz AA grill
IMG_1054 by nsmekanik, on Flickr

:D :drinks
Thank you guys fir the outstanding advice and comments!

James, I'll consider that, but with the size of this 1/72 scale bar armor; trying to cut strips from styrene sheet into this size may be more problematic. It is something to look into.

Thanks Mekanik, that looks pretty good. I'm not sure my current finds will allow me to purchase on of those along with the flux and solder, but I will definitely keep that in mind. If things get real bad, I'll give it a try.

Thanks Luiz! I have more coming soon.

Stay tuned guys!
Well after only three days during which I was left alone during my recuperation; I was able to get a lot of progress done on a number of models. Warning: This is a long update so please have patience with me.

Starting once again with my aircraft, I was finally satisfied enough with the white on my Boeing that I shot a coat of gloss on it:


Now I just need to find the decals for this plane and get them added.

Next I decided to paint a base green color on the Australian HAP Tigre:



Later I will mask that and shoot the second camo color on it.

Moving on, I got a lot of progress on three of my jets. Two of them are the Italian jets I've been doing. Before I show them, I'll post some comparison pictures between the Italian F-16 and the Japanese F-2A so everyone can see the slight differences overall between the two aircraft:


The Italian F-16 is on the left, the Japanese F-2A is on the right. Plan view above.

Profile view:


Upper angle view:


Okay, now that I got that done; here is my latest progress on the Italian F-16...

First I masked off the canopy which was later trimmed down when it was dry:


Once that was done, I shot the underside with Light Ghost Grey. It is tough to see in these pics, but then I am shooting grey paint over grey-molded aircraft:


I also later shot the nose with Dark Gull Grey, and when all that was dry, I masked off the bottom and the nose:


Next came the Dark Ghost Grey on the top and on the tail fin:


Again, very difficult to see. The Dark Ghost Grey is dull whereas the bare plastic is still shiny.

When that dried, I masked off the tail fin and front part of the upper fuselage:


Then came the Gunship Grey over the remaining exposed plastic:


The next morning, I removed all the masking tape. Not bad if I do say so myself:


Later on, this got a coat of gloss to prepare it for decals:


Now, since a couple of the colors were the same as the F-16; I also worked on the Italian Harrier jet alongside the Falcon. First came the canopy masking which was trimmed again after it dried:


Next came the Light Ghost Grey on the underside. I had shot it right after tyhe Falcon. You'll have to trust me on that given how difficult it is to see.....


Later came the masking, just like on the Falcon:


So, when I shot the Falcon with the Dark Ghost Grey, I also shot the topside and sides of this Harrier with the same color:


Later, when the masking tape came off the Falcon, I also removed it from this Harrier:


There you can see the two colors on this plane. Finally, I shot a coat of gloss on this in preparation for decals:


Next up, I added the canopy to the Japanese F-2A:


It fit surprisingly well. Naturally, I masked it off at the same time as I masked the Italian jets:


Finally, when it came time to start painting this aircraft, I took a bit of artistic license on this plane. The instructions call for a dark green underneath the aircraft with a Navy Blue topside. Yet, on the box top photograph of the real aircraft; the underside appears to actually be an Intermediate Blue color. It probably was a trick of the light when that pic was taken, but I like the look of the blue on blue scheme better so I shot the underside of this plane with Intermediate Blue:


Later I masked off a portion of the underside and the nose (which had already been painted a Dark Gull Grey when I painted the Falcon nose):


This wasn't masked completely because I will be coming back to the Intermediate Blue later to refine the pattern on the top of the plane. Meanwhile, I shot the Navy Blue color in an oversized pattern in the same splotch pattern indicated on the instructions:


Later on I will be going back over the top, adding the Intermediate Blue to the areas between the Navy Blue splotches with my Sotar fine-tipped airbrush. Right now this is sitting aside waiting till I have time for that.

Well, that is all I have on my aircraft; time to check out my latest armor progress.

First up, I decided to try and progress on my Russian Zil-5 truck. I added the windshield and the side windows to the cab, along with the headlights:


From the looks of things, I didn't cut that front windscreen very well. Time to pull that out and replace it.

Moving on, I was searching through my stash for one box containing the instructions for another model I was working on and I 'stumbled' over this RAF Airfield Service set that I'd already started some time ago. So, it was time to move forward on these trucks. First off I painted the interiors and assembled the cabs. First came the Bedford truck:


The top is only dry-fit on there. Next came the Tilly:


Then, since I made the Bedford into a fuel truck instead of a cargo truck; I had the cargo truck bed parts left over. Just for fun, I assembled the truck bed for the Bedford. Maybe I'll make it into a trailer or something.....


Next I started work on the German MAN truck. I decided to try something different when painting this. I 'assembled' the cab, closing it up with Silly Putty to hold it together:


I then added all the remaining bits and bobs underneath the truck bed:


Later, I added more Silly Putty to the cab and bed to cover the green that I wanted to remain green:



Next I painted the second color, a NATO Black:


While doing all that, I also masked off the German M-109 Paladin since it shares the same camo colors as the MAN truck:



Later on, when I shot the NATO Black on the truck, I also shot this gun:


After all this, I wanted to do something simple. I pulled out the Vauxhall ambulance and shot the finders and other sections with the Olive Drab ANA color:


Later I painted the rear area with the 'stone grey' they called for in the instructions. I used Dark Gull Grey, since I had it out to paint the noses of my two aircraft. Here it is dry-fit to the lower part of the ambulance:


Later on, while looking for something else to move forward on; I found my German Br-58 Panzerlok and decided it was time to paint that. I started by painting the underside and wheels. I used an Oily Black on this as a first coat:


The lights were really washing this out. I then started painting the camouflage pattern on the side. I got this far before the fatigue really set in and I fell asleep:


That pic was taken the following day.....

Okay, that completes the depiction of my marathon efforts on my hobby bench these past three or four days. I apologize for the lengthy post, but I'm thrilled to have gotten this much done.

Thanks all for looking in, comments are welcome.
Making better progress than I am as of late...end of the school year is kicking my butt! 4 more days though ;)

Really am digging the camo on that Panzerlok- you did especially well on that one Mark!
Thanks Mike! I'm only able to do this much since I'm on enforced home rest and recuperation. I'm hoping next week is just as productive; if not more so than this week was.

Thanks Luiz! They're no masterpieces like yours, but I'm thrilled with the progress.

Thanks Skinny Mike! There are still about six or seven models in the queue that didn't get worked on this past week.

Thanks Sharkman!

Mark, you are a one man machine!

Looks great, keep it up! (are you getting close to 1000 yet?)


Do you mean 1000 finished armor models, or 1000 finished models in total? The answer to the first question is still a couple hundred off while the answer to the second one is that I'm well past it...
neat stuff - especially the Aussie helicopter!

The BMP-3 is, I think waaaaay over rated, the 100mm gun is in no way comparable to an ATGM, I think it's adoption is either a diversion away from it's intended role...or proof the Russkies can't make a decent ATGM
Holy Crap, Mark! You are one busy modeler!

Over 1000 models completed! Wow.

These latest ones are looking good. I don't know if I would be able to keep up with that many projects going on at the same time. :notworthy

Keep up the great work.

Thanks Mike! I'm only able to do this much since I'm on enforced home rest and recuperation. I'm hoping next week is just as productive; if not more so than this week was.

Thanks Luiz! They're no masterpieces like yours, but I'm thrilled with the progress.

Thanks Skinny Mike! There are still about six or seven models in the queue that didn't get worked on this past week.

Thanks Sharkman!

Mark, you are a one man machine!

Looks great, keep it up! (are you getting close to 1000 yet?)


Do you mean 1000 finished armor models, or 1000 finished models in total? The answer to the first question is still a couple hundred off while the answer to the second one is that I'm well past it...

I was thinking total, guess I under estimated it!! :woohoo:

Thank you Iambrb! I like the Aussie helicopter too. I have a UH-60 to make with Australian markings as well.

Yeah, the BMP is unique. However, I think the gun is a dual gun/missile system like the 152mmgun/Shillelagh missile system on the Sheridan tank. Their missile launched through the gun tube is for taking out tanks, while the 10mm ammunition is for the lighter vehicles.

Thanks James! With extra time on my hands recovering from radiation treatments, I'm able to get a lot done. And yeah, sometimes it's a bit difficult to keep up. Thanks again for the compliments!

Thanks Mike! I'm only able to do this much since I'm on enforced home rest and recuperation. I'm hoping next week is just as productive; if not more so than this week was.

Thanks Luiz! They're no masterpieces like yours, but I'm thrilled with the progress.

Thanks Skinny Mike! There are still about six or seven models in the queue that didn't get worked on this past week.

Thanks Sharkman!

Mark, you are a one man machine!

Looks great, keep it up! (are you getting close to 1000 yet?)


Do you mean 1000 finished armor models, or 1000 finished models in total? The answer to the first question is still a couple hundred off while the answer to the second one is that I'm well past it...

I was thinking total, guess I under estimated it!! :woohoo:


That's okay; for awhile, I had also underestimated how many I had finished. Finally I decided to sit down and count them just to satisfy my own curiosity. Ever since then, I've been keeping a running score as I finish more, just in case someone asks me again. Just for your info: I have officially completed a total of 1469 models.

Now to add to that count. I have another week of recovery so hopefully it will go up exponentially. :D