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Ma.K Armored Raider Pk.f 85 Falke

Yep I know this kit, the one with the P-38 engines/booms lying on their sides !!!


Thank you people! I was going to follow through with the painting but for technical reasons wasn't able to. So I moved ahead with the Grosser Hund build and made some decent progress there. They're both going to be part of the same dio anyway.

I got some preliminary steps done before laying down the camo.

First a metallic undercoat in view of the chipping effect in strategic areas: where pilot and maintenance crew step, along panel edges and especially on the antigrav pods which double as emergency landing gear. :D

Next masking liquid applied in said areas.

Last step before the camo: pre-shading.

Tomorrow I'll get down to business!

Thank you, all!

Warren, I always apply liquid masking stuff with a sponge. It gives the best 'random' look, in my experience.

Yeah, go for it. You can use the sponge to apply masking medium on the metallic undercoat and then spray the topcoat, as I do here, but you can also use it to apply the metal paint direct on the camo. That's less fuss and works as well, especially in smaller scales. In larger scales the masking method is more realistic as it really looks like the paint flaked off.

You can use a large piece of sponge and hold it between thumb and forefinger for big areas and for smaller areas you can tear off a small bit of sponge and hold it with tweezers. Dip the sponge in the masking solution then dab it onto a piece of paper to take off the excess until the desired result is achieved and then apply to the model.

The masking medium can be removed very easily with a piece of latex. Just wear a latex glove and rub the your finger over the area, the Maskol will come off at once.

That's about it! Have fun!

It took 2 evenings to lay down the underside color. It's rather carelessly done but that's because not much will be visible once the model is fixed to the base.

The upper side color is done.

I used a 50/50 mix of Tan Yellow and Iraqui Sand

One more color to add. That’s when the real fun starts!
