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Last "Finished" Model for 2015. Epic Fail!

Duke Maddog

Well-known member
Back in 2009 I was given a New Year's Challenge to build a 1/32 scale aircraft. I accepted and a gentleman and fellow modeler, Saul Garcia sent me an F-5E Tiger II to work on. Most of you have been following it along with everything else I've been working on with this when you checked into my Maddog Manufacturing Thread. Six years later, I finally have finished it as far as I can.

This is an Epic Fail. Saul, you wasted a perfectly good model on me.

Here are the pics of this model as I have it now. I am not counting this as a finished model so my finally count for 20154 still remains at 29 models. There are too many pieces missing and too much wrong with this to count it as something finished and worthy of including in my collection. Don't worry, I am not throwing this away. I will be keeping this as a reminder of 1) how far I still need to go in my skills and 2) why I stay with 1/72 scale.

First off, overall shot of the top. Many decals are still wrinkled from the Solvaset; paint has chipped (???) before I added a clearcoat; clearcoat dripped on one side (not visible in the pics); paint work is very sloppy and a ton of pieces are missing:


Here's a shot of the bottom where you can see more missing pieces and possibly some of the paint and clearcoat issues I mentioned:


With visions of grandeur swimming through my head, I even tried to get fancy here:


I should have made sure I had the skills to do it first! Anyway, what's done is done... or not done in this case....

Here's some shots of the instruction sheet showing the missing and/or broken parts circled for you to see just how epic this fail is:



I'm sure most of these missing pieces may still be floating around in my Hobby Room; if I find them, I'll see about adding them in. Until then, I'm sticking a fork in this one.

Well, that is that. I at least can say that I finally met my New Year's Challenge.... five years too late. No need for you to post compliments here; there's nothing to compliment on this model. At least now, when ever someone here suggests I "go big" I can show how poorly I do when I "go big".

Thanks for looking in. I do hope that those who feel they aren't as well experienced and skillful as you think I am can now feel confident that you are indeed at my level or better. I hope you can understand what I'm trying to say there. I don't need an ego massage here; I know my small scale stuff is good, so thanks for not doing that either guys. If anything, this is finally closure for those who've been watching this build all along and were looking forward to seeing it done. Now it's done.

Okay, now I have a lot more to look forward to in the New Year and I'm excited to get more done. I'm heading right back to the bench now! Thanks for looking in everyone.

Happy New Year!
I don't think it was wasted as the point was to challenge yourself, which you did!

No Mark I've watched Your work over the years ... and like me there are kits I have without the parts really trashy manufactured (ROG) now you can't tell me after looking at your fancy work that your not good ... I think your trouble is a numbers game tiny in 1:72 isn't always small ... To wit Buffs & the seven foot rocket you built ... no you can do other scales ... 1:32 is your trouble ... Your mind is hooked on 1:72 and it is a grievous fault ... :smack :drinks :woohoo:
It doesnt look bad to me. Send a list of parts you need and I'll check through mine to see if I have a donor kit for you.
I feel your pain Mark . I can't seem to finish anything right now either :idonno

Cheers, Christian B)
Thank you all for the excellent comments. Saul, it was more of an acceptance of a challenge made by someone else. Not sure if they were trying to set me up or if it was a genuine attempt to get me to 'spread my wings' so to speak. I do like to believe it was the latter. Still, I have met the challenge and epicly failed! LOL! :D

No Mark I've watched Your work over the years ... and like me there are kits I have without the parts really trashy manufactured (ROG) now you can't tell me after looking at your fancy work that your not good ... I think your trouble is a numbers game tiny in 1:72 isn't always small ... To wit Buffs & the seven foot rocket you built ... no you can do other scales ... 1:32 is your trouble ... Your mind is hooked on 1:72 and it is a grievous fault ... :smack :drinks :woohoo:

Grievous fault or incredible blessing? I've done 1/245 scale vehicles and even a 1/12 scale fire truck before without such issues; I've even built 1/48 scale jets and other aircraft for others as well. No, I don't believe I'm too hooked on 1/72 scale. It is, however; what I do best due to years of extensive practice! (y)

It doesn't look bad to me. Send a list of parts you need and I'll check through mine to see if I have a donor kit for you.

Thanks James! The parts I'm missing are circled in the instruction sheet pics. If they aren't very clear, I'll try and come up with a list for you in a day or so.

Thanks MP. I doubt I'll get too much more practice on something this large anymore. As it is, I'm out of room for displaying the small scale stuff I'm currently building! :blink :facepalm

Thanks Christian! I have faith that 2016 will see something come off your workbench and enter the display shelf. Your work is too good not to make that effort!

Thanks again guys for the3 great comments. And thanks once again to Saul for providing me with this model for the challenge; I don't think I said that often enough Saul. I just feel bad that I couldn't do the justice to this kit that your gesture deserved.

Happy New Years everyone, I shall now spend the next few days knocking out some more models that are close to the finish line. Stay tuned for more!
And thanks once again to Saul for providing me with this model for the challenge; I don't think I said that often enough Saul. I just feel bad that I couldn't do the justice to this kit that your gesture deserved.

Model kits are meant to be built, or at least attempted! I have no regrets in sending it and would do so if I had another. You tried and I can't be happier since the alternative was to have it languish in someone else's stash (or my own).

Thanks Saul once again. I am honored by your response. I'm also glad I was able to please you in making the attempt. Now I have a few more models to finish for this month and eventually get closer to my goal of 700 completed small scale vehicles. Only 23 more to go! (y)