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Just signed in!


New member
Hi all,

I just signed in at this great site after lurking around for a couple of weeks!

I saw some great work, helpfull tips and a lot of humor!

hell, that is my thing!!!!

OK, for introduction:
I am Henri, 39 years young and beautiful, living in the Netherlands.

I all ways have being fascinated by modelling since the day I saw my father work on his modeltrains and plastic trucks.
For me these subjects were boring and my interest has allways been with military.

Started building my self at the age of 6 and using more glue then plastic the first steps were made!
I did not spend that much time on modelling and it was more building "straight from the box", adding decals and "Voila!".

In the early 80's I came across the "Verlinden way volume 1" and I was blown away!
That was what I wanted to do!

How ever, since that time I did not spend the time on modelling because of work, marriage, friends, divorce, other collections, bla bla bla....to say short.....I wanted to do everything except modelling at that time! :blink

During that time I could not resist to walk in every modelshop I came across and leave with something I could add to the stash of the "do want to do" things!

A few weeks ago I was re-orginizing my stable...uuuhhh...house and came across my stash again!
It triggered me and decided that I now really wanted to start!

So, to be short, I have build a bit, stored a lot, read about it, but not an expert at all.

Because of the things I read on this site I decided to join, because there is so much knowlegde here with so many usefull tips I want to try.

So, don't shoot me when I ask something stupid in your eyes!
Don't shoot me for launguage mistakes (try to write and speak Dutch and we will see who will has the most fun!!!) :evil:

I hope I will reach a level of expertise I have seen here and then I will be a happy man!
I am so easy to please......

Best regards,
there's nothing like a stupid question, only stupid answers! so go ahead when you are in need of an (not stupid) answer and feel welcome!

do you have any special interest? pre ww2? ww2? post ww2? axis or allies? nato or warsaw pact?

let's hope you're not interested in flying thingies! :blink
Welcome to the best and friendliest site around. Laura has already mentioned no stupid questions, just stupid answers. So ask away, there is always someone who will have a helpful answer. You'll fit in fine here because no matter what the skill levels we're all learning and having fun.
Welcome aboard.
Make all the grammar mistakes you want, English is my only language
and I butcher it all the time. :whistle: ;)
I'll pass on the challenge to speak Dutch. :duh
Enjoy, jump right in and show off your stuff/stash.
Have some fun and learn more about modeling like most of us have
since we joined... Share what you know, someone else might be
looking for a better way of doing something that you do without
thinking about it...
Again, Welcome aboard
Welcome Henri you have come to the right place TNT is full of the worlds friendliest modelers and everyone is always happy to share,enjoy the site and get stuck into some group builds :woohoo:
Thank you all for the warm welcome!

It all ready feels like coming home!!! :lol:
Please....don't tell my girlfriend!!! :evil:

S****T...totally forgot to mention my interest! :blush:
It is WW2 and then mainly US and British side.
I am now gathering all kinds of stuff for a diorama I want to build.
It will be the Poteau ambush during the Ardennes offensive.
Allready got me 3 M8 greyhounds, 6 jeeps, 1 M5A1.
Few vehicles more and I can start building.

Flying things......go wash your mouth!!!! :laugh:

It was the reason why I joined, because I have seen the questions and answers from other members and they are all helpfull and with respect!
I try to act like that also.....and kidd around now and then!
Life is to short to be serious all the time! ;)

I all ready thought it would help to challenge you guys to speak, write or read my native language!!! :evil:
All ready posted a topic on my stash that I still have to build in the....uuhhh...what was it....gossip section.

The only finished project I can show is from a tractor I build for my father.
Will do that later.

Thanks mate!
Need to check out what the "group builds" mean!
Hell, site is so big that you get lost so quick!
This is the project I mentioned before that I realy finished and find worth showing.

It was a full metal model in 1/32 size of a Lanz Bulldog tractor.
The factory was taken over by John Deere in late 50's and the original Lanz colour blue changed to the John Deere colours with the name Lanz still attached.

My father is a collector of old tractors and has about 18 in 1/1 scale and a lot of models.

This was one of them and he asked me if I could build and age it.

Was my first actual project that showed a vehicle in used condition, instead one that belongs in a showroom.
Only the tree thrunk was not realy what I wanted to look like.

Hallo Henri welkom op deze site!!

Good to have a fellow Dutch modeller on board! The lanz Buldog lookes great! very nice paint work (y) Looking forward to see more of your work.

Were do you live in Holland? Are you going to the Scale Model Challenge in Veldhoven next month??

Good to have you aboard, look around and have fun!!

Groeten uit Assen, Erik
Great to have you aboard Henri , we have quite a large dutch contingent so you will feel well at home ! Love the Lanz tractor and I am looking forward to sharing some builds together !

Jenny :kiss:

The Tractor looks Really Cool ! Of course it would look better Towing a Piece of German Artillery circa WWII :laugh: But that's just my Preferance !

Welcome aboard !! Ask all the Questions you want ! That's why We are all here ! To exchange knowledge & Ideas. Remember - The Only Stupid Question is the One that Goes Unasked !

I look forward to seeing your Kits come to life Soon !!

Guys and Girls.....thank you for the compliments on my tractor!
Found it a nice project to make for my father.
Now I am working on a combine for him in 1/76

@Dragunov / Erik
Bedankt kerel!!!
S***T you will find Dutch people every were, no matter were you go on this globe!!!
So far for hiding :laugh:
Yes, I want to visit Veldhoven next month.
It is walk in the park for me, because I live about 15 Km from it.
I want to check out the vendors and what kind of tools there are available now a days.
Why making a lot of effort when there are handy tools for sale?
I am not lazy, but working is not my first priority!!! :S
Are you going also?

Thanks for the welcome!
Why does it more to me when a female welcomes me then a guy???? :blink
For now I am still feeling like a hamster.
Buying kits like crazy and planning what I need more!
But, I am sure the results will be great with all the knowledge that can be found here!

@Panzerace007 / Erik
There are allways people who want more!!!! :laugh:
Well, like mentioned above, I am now working on a combine for my father, but have also a 1/35 Lanz cattiplar for him in full resin that I started.
May be a nice project to shoot pictures during the stages of building and painting.
This thing was realy used to pull WWII German Artillery.
You want to see my kits come to life.......hell...you are not the only one....count me in!!! :woohoo:

I presume you are Dutch also?
If so....dank U!!!

@andyfettes and MrT
Thank you both for the welcome!
Going to try to participate as much as possible!
So...that will be....lets see.....once in....uhhh....don't know!!! :blush:

Forgive me all, but I do have a strange kind of humor, but that keeps me running!!!
Life is to serious!!!