Babylon 5 sci-fi ship. I honestly can't remember what is called, but it was unusual.
My apologies to Space, Sci-Fi and ship model fans. I just didn't get many pictures of these categories.
Registration & Raffle counter.
Registration went a smoothly as any show I've ever been to. The harsh Minnesota climate makes for warm hospitality, and this years show was no exception. The raffle was a "First come, First served". his method requires less man-power on the Club's part, but I find less satisfying because you have to hurry up & wait to pick out a raffle prize. There is plus & minus to every raffle method.
I gleaned some nice raffle prizes. I didn't have to rent a trailer to haul the booty home, as I needed to at other shows.
Contest vendor stalwart, Smilin' Pete Gitzel, Expert modeler and long time vendor Winston Vermillia and John & Mary Roll were among the many fine vendors feeding the wants of the Modeling Masses!
The Judges were good too the Plastic Surgeons this Day. Aboard my "Vessel" Don won an award for all his models. His german radio truck was awarded 3 times, with 2 "Best of's" and a Gold award. Young Dane's Sniper/Spotter vignette was a Junior gold award.
I was humbled to be awarded for my ancient 1/72 Airfix CAC Boomerang, and in 1/350 Great White Shark hunter boat's first show appearance as well.