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IJN Egg-Kagi Aircraft Carrier Vignette


Working on the following Sea base. I finally found a use for the Alum-a-lite clear resin I bought.
It IS notorious for curing slowly. We'll see then, won't we?

Initial Egg-Doffin Family paint. Touch-up, clear coat and Archer Fine Details decal eyes to come!
Today's Model-silliness!





Archer's eye decals ROCK! I applied them the same way I do my aircraft & TLAR Models ships.
Drop of water on the Egg-Dolphin, pause, float the decal off with a damp paint brush. Once you get the eyeball where you want it, set these with a wee bit o' Future.
Eyeball decals do NOT like Solva-set!!
It's like they are looking right at me! :mpup :rotf

It's not silliness if you're giggling while you do it. :ro:
These are the finished product. They DO NOT come painted or filled/sanded :bang head to perfection.
I DID have a really good laugh and fine Drinkie when at LONG last I made a mold that worked, with the Egg-Doffin Family.
Uncle Dolphin has green eyes. He's ME!
Egg-Kagi underway.

I made a sheet of clear resin water...........




Attached and trimmed it to fit. Just a "Shake-down" cruise to check the fit. Plenty of fine-tuning to do, but you can see the Course Egg-Kagi is on!
That's awesome but what happened to your cutting mat?

Oh I see, that's the clear resin standing on end. :facepalm
Thanks Skinny!
THAT Is egg-zactly the reaction I hope for everywhere Egg-Kagi is seen.
Our increasingly impersonal World needs a good kick! Right in the funny-bone from time to time!
It is an honor and a privilege to do my humble part! :rotf

Yep, Pup! I poured the clear resin on plastic wrap and it took on the contour of the Saran wrap.
A happy accident!! You can heat the clear resin and shape it with a low-intensity heat source.
I'm planning to stop smoking soon. I don't know what I'll use after that! :idonno