"An aircraft carrier is a noble thing. It lacks almost everything that seems to denote nobility, yet deep nobility is there. A Carrier has no poise. It has no grace. It is top-heavy and lop-sided. It has the Lines of a well fed cow.
She doesn't cut through the water like a Cruiser, knifing romantically along. It doesn't dance and cavort like a Destroyer. It just plows. You feel it should be carrying a hod, rather than wearing a red sash.
Yet a Carrier is a ferocious thing, out of it's heritage of action has grown it's nobility. I believe that today every Navy in the World has as it's No.1 priority the destruction of enemy Carriers.
That's a precarious honor, but a proud one"
Written by Ernie Pyle, aboard USS Cabot, CVL-28 in 1945.
Still true today.
Waterline Egg-Kagi, complete with the exception of a few dinky details, a wee bit o'weathering and a final coat of clear Flat. 23mm AA guns & Photo-etch flight deck fittings in place.
Silly in Her inception. Complex in Her execution. This is a FUN model to build!
Egg-Kagi is complete enough to visit The Mad City Modeler's 23rd show in Wisconsin next week-end in Her waterline guise.
Ah, my Friends, fear not! More Chibi-Maru ridiculousness is afoot!