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I think the mojo is back. HK 1/48 B-17G


Well-known member

I got the itch to actually build something yesterday. I even had focus as to what it would be. The HK 1/48 B-17G (early). Now there are some reviews out there bemoaning some of the inaccuracies of this kit. I don't care. There are some things missing on the early G that are not on the late G and vice versa. I don't care. It only comes with markings for two aircraft. I don't care. I just wanted to build something with out too much fuss on parts and pieces and after market. I bought belts and masks for this specific kit of which I left out the seat belts and you know what? I don't care. I am having fun building this kit and as far as I have gone with it I can see no fit issues but that isn't to say that you don't need to dry fit but that's just basic model building and good practice.

As everything else goes the kit started out in the pit. and the fit there was darn good. Just like the bomb bay and radio compartment. One thing that I would suggest is to make dang sure you get the bulk heads facing the correct way. I missed the mark there on two of them and almost had a big problem but a little fiddling around and I got that taken care of.






I built the Monogram kit of this with the Cheyenne tail. Glad to see they included a bomb bay. Had to scratch mine. Great job so far. Gary S. XLV MMXX
The build is going along fairly well. While there are some small fit issues I am not going to bother much with them and just enjoy building with out too much fuss. I got the wings painted and clear coated then I shot the fuselage using Gunze OD which FSN I don't recall now. after I painted the fuse and the wings I dry fit them again and did a clear coat. I also painted the wheels and tires and as of this poist still thinking of doing more tonight.





Why worry about the exact FS color? I had cousins that flew bombers during WW2 and they would all agree that no 2 planes were ever the exact same shade, especially after 2-3 weeks (if they lasted that long) in theater. Different manufacturers, different lots, different plants... Is it OD? Do it look right? Do it make you happy?

Do it!
These past few days have been heck for Linda because her arthritis is kicking into overdrive. Since the school has been in distance learning her hours have been cut and the grand kids are over here to do their school work so modeling has been limited. I got the decals on and everything except for the few odds and ends done. The carpet monster made off with some gun barrels and the glazing for the cheek gun windows. Asz I said before I just wanted to get something done and wasn't too concerned with fit issues. However, as I have also said, this kit requires good test fitting so you wont get bitten in the end of construction as I did with the wing fit. Other than that this kit is a very nice kit and in my opinion it is totally worth the money they ask for it.

I really love the tones of the OD, she's sweet! Watch those air waste ducts behind the engines, that would have been clean air coming out of those ducts. Get your oil streaks coming off the nacelles then feather them out around the air ducts.
Looking good, Paul. We have two grandkids two or three days a week here. Keeps the cats hopping.