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How do you deal with disappointment?

Greg Kimsey

Well-known member
I tried VERY hard to do a good job on this "67 Chevy Nova for a friend. Needless to say, I have to do it over. I failed at nearly every aspect! I am so upset with myself over it, and it is a big ego hit. I had to repaint three times. The final result was good after the initial polishing, but further finishing nearly ruined the finish. I tried to wear rubber gloves while gluing trim on with superglue, and the superglue would inevitable stick to the gloves and when I pulled them away it would leave blue rubber that I had to pick out, which further ruined the finish. The radiator sits too high, but it sits on the frame in the place slotted for it. The hood is hitting it I think, which is keeping it slightly open. I didn't know this until near the end and redoing everything was not gonna happen. My answer is putting hood supports so that the hood can stay open. I did try putting the body on the frame to test fit, which revealed that the body did not fit over the tires like in the box cover sample. I was so concerned with that and trimming the fender to fit, that I missed the hood not sitting properly. The bare metal foil was a nightmare, and it shows. I know practice will make that better, but the stuff just wouldn't stick to the finish and kept coming off, which led to putting BMF adhesive so it would stick, which led to a horrible mess. Y'all, I have build some nice cars that I am proud of. This whole thing is just an epic failure from the get-go. I certainly have to do another, taking lessons from this one; but dang, I tried my hardest from the start to do a great job. How do you deal with this if it happens to you? I am embarrassed to show the photos, but am showing them so you can see what I mean from my descriptions. The only silver lining is that I loved how the interior turned out.
OK, whining finished...
Having been in your shoes, so to write, I found it best to step back and tackle something then return with a vengeance. My issue was trying too hard. I pressured myself as I was building for someone else and gave myself deadlines. I do not build for myself with deadlines as it adds undue pressure which gets compounded each time I screw up and 'waste time' fixing it.

Work on the hood and get it to where you want. Then, fix the finish if needed. Last, change your technique for chrome and practice on ANOTHER model. I got some Molotow chrome markers to try out. My Bare Metal Foil technique is out of practice but I don't think I have enough material to go over and over. So, I am trying the markers first.
If it’s a gift, I’m sure the anything you give them will be just fine. Don’t sweat it if it’s a commission for money start over baby.
If it’s a gift, I’m sure the anything you give them will be just fine. Don’t sweat it if it’s a commission for money start over baby.
I will probably start over anyway, just because this is pretty embarrassing. The point was, I tried so hard. I mean, I was putting my all into this thing and virtually nothing went right and was just a big blow to my confidence. I have built some really nice cars that I am extremely proud of. What went wrong with this one?!! It was a shit storm from day one.
I will probably start over anyway, just because this is pretty embarrassing. The point was, I tried so hard. I mean, I was putting my all into this thing and virtually nothing went right and was just a big blow to my confidence. I have built some really nice cars that I am extremely proud of. What went wrong with this one?!! It was a shit storm from day one.
I think that might be where you went wrong,m pressuring yourself too much. If you are going to start over do a Saul suggested and do a quick easy build to get back in the groove. Meanwhile maybe search the net for reviews or build blogs of that kit and see if others had the same issues. If so they might have useful ideas. If it doesnt have to be that car in particular maybe look for resin bodies of the same type or that could use that chassis. If you 3D print look for a new body. If your happy with the wheels and insides then scavenge them for the next try. Dont turf the body as you now have a test bed to try new stuff out. Just remember no matter what this is a hobby and things that you find irritating on your build probably look golden to a non modeler whom you are gifting. I know I have shown some friends some of my builds and pointed out all the glaring stupid mistakes just to have them shake their heads and say it looks awesome to them. Keep calm have fun and enjoy.
To solve the "hood hitting" problem, take some silly putty and put little balls on the top edges of things it is likely to hit on. Then close and open the hood. The silly putty is soft and will easily give and the culprit will easily be shown by the silly putty.
To solve the "hood hitting" problem, take some silly putty and put little balls on the top edges of things it is likely to hit on. Then close and open the hood. The silly putty is soft and will easily give and the culprit will easily be shown by the silly putty.
O my goodness, I was wondering what to do to show where it is hitting but did not think of putty. If I can fix the hood, I think I will let it go. Great idea with the putty. Thank you!
I think that might be where you went wrong,m pressuring yourself too much. If you are going to start over do a Saul suggested and do a quick easy build to get back in the groove. Meanwhile maybe search the net for reviews or build blogs of that kit and see if others had the same issues. If so they might have useful ideas. If it doesnt have to be that car in particular maybe look for resin bodies of the same type or that could use that chassis. If you 3D print look for a new body. If your happy with the wheels and insides then scavenge them for the next try. Dont turf the body as you now have a test bed to try new stuff out. Just remember no matter what this is a hobby and things that you find irritating on your build probably look golden to a non modeler whom you are gifting. I know I have shown some friends some of my builds and pointed out all the glaring stupid mistakes just to have them shake their heads and say it looks awesome to them. Keep calm have fun and enjoy.
It was a special request, of that specific car, painted blue, with the hood scoop, wheelie bars, and a white interior. He bought the model and couldn't put it together and asked me if I would build it since his palsy has gotten so bad that he can no longer hold the parts. He is just a funny but very lonely old man who misses his wife terribly, plus his body is failing him. That is why I tried so hard with it and am so disappointed in myself. I was going to buy a new kit myself and not tell him as he would insist on paying for the second kit as well.
I would start over because whenever things like this happen i always think if i built another one of these i would do 10x better..... The point is once you know all the problems it makes life much easier next time :)
I would start over because whenever things like this happen i always think if i built another one of these i would do 10x better..... The point is once you know all the problems it makes life much easier next time :)
I ordered two of them yesterday. I did fix the hood and the chrome on the yucky one, and Bob happened by and loved it, so he picked it up today. I told him I had ordered another and was going to rebuild, but said to build it for myself, that he was satisfied with that one. So that is what I am going to do!

Thank you everyone for all of the excellent advice!
See! Others see our efforts with different eyes than we view with our own. Well done, young Greg! Sea N' Sky has delivered a dozen of so models to Vets over the years. Even though we know were the flaws all are, they always seem impressed and humbled that men such as we do this for them. Not ALL treasure is dollar bills, my Southern Brother! :tens: