Master at Arms
Since there is about a month left before the Tulsa Figure Show and I have only two projects completed and the M577 in progress, I figured that I would try to knock out a quick vignette that I had been planning on making for a while. It depicts a Vietnamese civilian woman who was hired to be a Hootch Maid sweeping huts and tents, cleaning uniforms, and cleaning and shining boots which is what she will be doing in this vignette. For a base I am using a base from Black Dog. The figure will be a converted one from Paracel Miniatures. I started on the base on Saturday - prepping and priming. Today I painted the base. It went more quickly than I thought it would which is good.
Here is the kit I used for the base and the basic layout of the vignette.

And this is what it looks like painted minus a few touch ups. Can anyone guess what may have been stored in the striped drum before it was filled with dirt and used as a protective barrier?

Here is the kit I used for the base and the basic layout of the vignette.

And this is what it looks like painted minus a few touch ups. Can anyone guess what may have been stored in the striped drum before it was filled with dirt and used as a protective barrier?
