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Help needed on VVS paints comrades...


Well-known member
Trying to nail down what type of paints to use on my Petlyakov...I know White Ensign has the best line for VVS paints...but they are enamel and not fun to prep for airbrushing...any ideas on what to use for acrylics...
Jadar's Agama line is affordable and in smaller bottles than Hannants' with the same amount of time to deliver. In either case, will you get them in time?

By the way, the best paints are from Akan (available from Armory) but I have yet to find a reliable stockist other than Linden Hill.

Yup...that's the issue :(. I've heard Pollyscale has an "underside blue" and green...I'm thinking of having a whitewash over the top anyways so the green just has to be close ;). Maybe I'll head down to Albany and see what they have...
Hi Jeeves ,

Check out the following link


May have a lot of info that may be of some help for you !

Thanks Hubert...next time if I plan better I will check them out. But I went with Saul's other suggestion and tried Linden Hill for the Akan paints...they are right here in NY-- just got them today actually ;) So quick shipping...