Sallying forth 1440 hrs 20 September from NAS White Oak, the Shocking Pink Surgeons hope ot arrive in Mount Pleasant 1700-ish.
We checked in at the Best Western and went to supper at The Press Box. I had "The Special". Chicken fried steak, questionable gravy and yummy tater tots. I paid for my choice that evening. Gastric distress that isn't model related. Yuck!

CGC Active is making her contest debut here in Mount Pleasant. The Blackhawks have been supporters of the Plastic Surgeons contest for many moons. Plastic Surgeon Jose Luis Gonzalez made the drive Saturday morning to vend and enter in the Blackhawk Modelers Society's second show as well. It was good to see others of our merry band supporting this fledgling IPMS chapter.
On to the Show!

Registration went briskly. I entered 10 of the 11 models I carried along for $19.00. The simplified entry form was a breeze to fill out. You can register your models on the IPMS/USA website and enter them remotely in any IPMS contest you go to. My relationship with IPMS/USA is nearing it's end, so I don't wanna do that, see?! Good ol' Bob Delaney was their to provide guidance and enjoy Hawkcon fun!
We bought our customary $40.00 (48) raffle tickets for the Show raffle. There were some commentary on "That lady over there wins all the raffle prizes". Look! Support the Club! Buy the raffle tickets! Enter the show! The Hawkcon 2024 raffle was a little short on armor kits and not as large as other club contest raffles are, but bear in mind, this is their 2ND show! The raffle went until all the prizes had been claimed, just as it should.

On the back wall was the collection of a senior modeler that passed away. All these Monogram vintage kits beckoned to me! Pricing seemed a tad exorbitant and some prices were reasonable for such an event, ($120.00 for a 1/48 Monogram PBY kit? YIKE!) I did make one purchase. Proceeds from the sale of this collection will go to support the Iowa Veterans Home in Marshalltown, as per the last wishes of a vintage Model Maker. At these price points, it may take quite some time to peddle this huge model collection. I advise the "Make a pile, Make an offer" strategy, perhaps?

The well-lit, roomy venue is a keeper! It's a Calvary Baptist church activity center, but no soldiers or horses were on hand. Parking was plentiful, bathrooms and dining places where near. The is still a Pizza Hut and a Hardee's in Mount Pleasant! No. The isn't an actual mountain here. Vendors lined the periphery. Lots of car models and accessories!

Virgil Stanbary and Big Bill Robertson hold down the fort selling Virgil's 1/24 & 1/25 resin car body selection. Virgil prefers 1/43 car models these days. "More space". He's a great guy and a fine model builder! Larry Claussen enters and vends as well. Another good friend of ours!
Don't worry, we're almost to the models!!