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Only good North American Football id CFL football :D
Course I'm appreciating real Football more lately

Ducking for cover now.
Season starts up tomorrow so it would be tough to get a full league going in time. I've only done the free Yahoo leagues...but if that's the way people want to go next year, I can help you get it set up Bob...I can show you the settings we use over at the LEM if need be.
Why don't we just post the Tuesday N.Y. Daily News line and pic. Sunday and Monday night games and see who has the most wins at the end of the season , ........ strictly braggin rights .

Football icon for the winner

Sunday games

Giants -3 Redskins
Jets -4 1/2 Cowboys
Ravens -2 1/2 Steelers
Bucs -2 Lions
Falcons -3 Bears
Chiefs -6 1/2 Bills
Texans -6 1/2 Colts
Eagles - 5 Rams
Browns - 6 1/2 Bengals
Jaguars -3 Titans
Cardinals -7 Panthers
49ers -5 1/2 Seahawks
Chargers -9 Vikings

Monday Night Football

Patriots -7 Dolphins
Broncos -3 Raiders

I like your Thinkin' with th Season startin tomorrow night ! .... Do We need a seperate Thread ? The M.A. Locker Room ... or th M.A. Grid Iron ?

I'm all over it!!

JEEVES - Ooops :blush: I didn't mean to insult ya !! :D I actually have Eli on My Fantasy Team as My Q.B. but I also drafted Flacko from Baltimore. The NFC East is always a tough road to hoe !

CHEYENNE - do you have a line on th Thursday Night Game ? N.O. vs G.B. ?

How about this ? Of those Interested ... How many have a kit laying around They may never build ? I know I might be able to scrounge one. We could throw them all in & whom ever takes th Season .... Takes th Pot ? A Gentleman's Wager if you will - just a thought ? Of course th Losers ( :D ) would be responsable for paying for postage to send Their Kit to th Winner .
Erik , too hectic to keep track of Thursday night action , ......... we usually omit that game and just pick Sunday and Monday night games .

Buuuuuut , ............ the Packers are giving the Saints 4 , ........... I'm going Green Bay eh .........
Seems like a great idea from the both of you to me...I have a few kicker kits I could donate. Maybe we could commission Chuk to make some special avatar up for the winner or Joe Hudson ;). Kidding guys!!

I'm going green tonight too since I have them as my def and Finley as my TE ;)

So when should we have our picks in by?
Well .... Since I have Class starting @ 6:00 .... I'll throw out Tonights game & if We decide to dump it .. It's cool . I would say as long as We have our pix in 15 min. before th 1st. Game of the Week that should be cool ?

I'll take ......


TEXANS - Upset of th Week !

PATS - } I'll take th Over ..... incase you wanna do that ?
Ok , cool ........

Erik , no over/under , we just pick and log wins .

No Thursday or Saturday games .

Pushes [ points/ties ] are a no win .

I'll start a new thread , .......... titled , NFL 2011/2012 .

We'll keep all picks and tallys there .

Erik , if you will , post your picks under the new thread .

I'll have my picks in on Saturday .

Jeeves , GO PACK !!!

Don't really care about kits for a winner , that's up to you guys , ......... a nice football icon for the main man at the end of the season is alright by me .

Anybody interested , ........ does understand the point system ?