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Engines in Tamiya 35180 GERMAN TANK ENGINE CREW?


Active member
Are the engines in the Tamiya 35180 GERMAN TANK ENGINE CREW set separate or are they molded inside the crates?


I want to have an exposed engine and wonder if one from this kit can be used.

BTW, is it true that due to overheating that Tiger ! tanks had to be stopped every 45 minutes in summer as is stated in tthe blurb in the link?

Thanks and cheers from Peter
Looking at the instructions for the kit, the "crates" are actually the bulkheads for the engine compartment for use in a Tiger I, Sturmtiger, Panther or King Tiger.

Maintenance Crew

The early Tigers did have engine overheating problems, there were reports of 1-2 foot long flames coming from the exhausts after long periods of running. The problems were related to the engines being overloaded due to vehicle weight, the poor quality of the fuel and cooling lines resulting in them bursting, the engine compartment fire suppresion system was faulty, missing temperature sensors in the engine and poor driver training over taxing the engine. Some units removed the crew compartment heating system which improved the flow of cooling air to the engine reducing the number of engine fires.

As it is with any piece of kit, as the crews and maintainers gained experience there were less problems.

Where are you located Peter?

I have numerous resin Maybachs, in pieces and full block kits that I doubt I'll be using anytime soon. If you're interested and shipping isn't too bad, I'll let them go cheap.
Sorry couldn't help myself :pinch: :yipee


PS really cool looking addition to any Panzer tank display (y)
That's hilarious. I was thinking they were looking at a weird bug or something. :rotf Good one Kurt! (y)